Diana Gurzkaya: "My close next, we rally and helping to survive each other all this"


Diana Gurtskaya - the artist is extremely conscious. HOME self-insulation it interrupts very rarely and only in the most extreme cases. And the head of the family, Peter Kucherenko, had to be temporarily distanced with their loved ones. About what is happening in this family and how she managed to stay beautiful even on Quarantine, Gurtskaya told in an exclusive conversation.

- Diana, now the month has passed since the start of self-insulation. How do you worry this period?

- As soon as this situation has begun, connected with Coronavirus, I treated it with fear. Back in January I began to ask the doctors from the pediatrician of my son, what is the virus that he represents how we can protect ourselves from it all. Then no one knew anything about the methods of struggle, but already understood that this is something very scary. Well, of course, I am very afraid for myself, for the child, for loved ones, for all my people, for my beloved country, for the audience, for the public. If someone had said me a year ago that there would be such a situation in the world, I would not believe it. I remember when in the summer I read the book of Victoria Hislop "Island", for me it was fantasy. Now I can say that Coronavirus is even worse, because we do not know how everything will continue to go and how to exist. Yes, we used to be in principle that there are different viruses, but they knew that there were protection, vaccines and vaccinations, and now the more terrible, which is still not solid. As for the fact that I am engaged in self-insulation at home - I am engaged in my son, I am doing homemade deals, sports, I play on different tools, I watch movies, I read a lot. But I really want to wish everyone health. And thank the doctors, because they are doing a lot so much to save people without sparing themselves. Thank you for good hearts, for sleepless nights, for the attitude of life, to people, for great professionalism. Low bow from me to all doctors, volunteers. We all see your efforts. Once again I understand that we have a loving, mental, strong country Russia.

- Tell me, well, did your routine somehow changed?

- Sure. Previously, we planned that tomorrow you have to go to the studio, you need to go to the record of the ether, as I work on the radio. Shooting, concerts, and this is all planned today, but for a week or two. Now everything has changed, and there is a feeling that time stopped, and it is difficult to perceive. On the other hand, I am glad that close people are nearby - the family of brother - we live almost side by side. Everyone rally was very, helping to survive each other all this. In the morning I am at home, breakfast, baby, sports - I have a running track at home, I will definitely go, run; I read - the books are very saved. I want to distract from such sad reality, and when you read, you get to another time. That's how I live.

- How long have mastered the treadmill?

- With a treadmill, I am friends for a long time. Many other simulators or dumbbells are contraindicated to me in their vital situation. The treadmill is great because it is burning calories, and a pleasant pastime to the music. And useful and fun. I love to swim very much. But so far, unfortunately, it does not work. The main thing is to survive now it's all, and then we will not send.

- Have you visited some kind of pool?

- If it was possible, I tried to do it. But lately it was very busy, the opportunity did not appear. Water is generally my element. I love to swim, because in the water I feel calm, freely.

- What books do you read now?

- Thanks to my friend Brand Tishman for what I advised to read the promise at the dawn of Roman Gary. He knows that I love to read. I was delighted with this book. She is about maternal love, which in the future helps the child to achieve everything. When the parent says you can achieve, do, you will succeed. If a child has doubts, and every person has doubts about every person, and even more so, only the maternal faith can help at such moments. I really like to read and read a lot. I think it is impossible without a book to live. Because it is a kind of time in time when you can be in another era, to go at a time when you have not been.

The actress seriously comes to the issue of security during the coronavirus pandemic

The actress seriously comes to the issue of security during the coronavirus pandemic

From a personal archive

- Diana, everyone knows that you have many relatives, but now it has become problematic to communicate with them. How are you in contact with each other now?

- We communicate, we can not without it. We are near and live side by side, so we are not so difficult. We support each other, help, encourage. When I am afraid of something and ask questions, my brother can calm me. It saves it very much, because if there were no close people nearby, it would be hard three. In general, in our family, everything is so arranged that we can not imagine your life without a friend. We must be convened, see. These are the most important people in life.

- Well, yes, you also work with my brother ...

- Yes, firstly, we are binding to work with my brother. Now he came to me to help the child in world artistic culture, and then we must come out, because I have today on the radio. Work is a job - when viewers and listeners are waiting for you, you have to do everything to go to them. Because I am waiting for my spectators, and when they are near, I'm not afraid of anything. I was invited to visit Alla Gonlatova. For all the time I went out a couple of times out of the house. Even at Easter did not go out. But there are certain points when I have to go out, and this is the need for work. But as for my esters of the "Dear Transfer" program, I do not write them them now. In general, I lead this program since 2015. It is very interesting because I tried myself in a completely new field of activity. I like to prepare for the ether, like my job. Huge thanks to Elena Abakumova that she entrusted me this program. I missed my ether. God forbid that all this go rather, and we will again work, will start ethers, concerts, music meetings. But now it is necessary to suffer and sit at home.

- Diana, and how do you yourself protect against coronavirus?

- Without a mask and gloves, I do not go anywhere. Necessarily antiseptics. I have always used an antiseptic, in my bag he always had, because in the morning I work until night, sometimes there was no time to wash my hands. And wet wipes and antiseptics save. Now - all the more. More lamps disinteresting we purchased. It is necessary for me homemade sometimes laugh, but I really are scary. Especially to be a carrier, because with me there is always someone near. And children near. God forbid God! I just have no right to expose your loved ones such a danger.

- But as far as I know, your husband Peter Kucherenko - Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. He must go to work on debt ...

- He is on self-insulation. Separately from us. Of course, he has to work, as he has a very responsible job. Of course, we all miss, but now there is such a time, and all this will pass, I'm sure. Soon this disunity will leave our lives. I will say again: I would never have thought that it can happen at all.

- It turns out, with my spouse Peter you do not see for quite some time?

- I do not see, but it is close. He is in our area, and we communicate every day, and not one time. I always ask: whether he got himself, how did it feel, how did it get to work when he went back? Literally yesterday by 22:00 came. And he constantly asks how a child, what does he do? A day a hundred times call up. I think he does everything right, as the work is responsible, he must go to work, but also to defend us. It will all go, and I believe that everything will be fine. That cohesion, how we prepared the whole country - it says a lot. Here, besides thanks, there is nothing to say.

Diana Gurtskaya with her husband Peter Kucherenko and Son Konstantin

Diana Gurtskaya with her husband Peter Kucherenko and Son Konstantin

From the fox archive

- Does someone help you at home?

- Yes, I have a helper. I create for her conditions so that she can ride me so that it does not become infected. Well, I always watch myself so that the houses were order, and the food is always "on me," as they say.

- Your fans were very worried about your son, who recently got into the hospital with appendicitis. How does he feel right now?

- Thank God, good. He had a belly at night, thought that I ate something wrong. Dali medicine. In the morning I realized that something was wrong happened, and he mastered everything courageously. When the drugs were once again given, he did not drink anything, and we called "ambulance". Since now there is a lot about COVID-19, and someone said that he could hurt the belly, I called "ambulance" just in case. Especially since he has risen the temperature. Doctors immediately revealed appendicitis. Thanks to the Arkadyevich Kuryster brand for his attitude towards children, he helped us a lot. Thanks to all doctors who made the Operation of the Costa. Thanks for their attitude towards my child, to me. Thank God, now everything is fine. Two days later we took the son home, then we went to dressings, my brother drove it. Recently removed the last plaster. Of course, I frightened, because when he is a little sick, we were without falling into the hospital. And it was for the first time for me, it was scary. Moreover, this is the time that the hospital is unsafe. The most important wealth, I think this is health, because when a person is healthy, everything can be achieved, everything can be done. I once again want to wish the huge health to all my audience, readers. For them, I live, doing and do what I do.

- It's great that you can exhale now - the child is fine. How does he spend time on self-insulation?

- Now everyone switched to distance learning. At first it was difficult, since no one was ready for this. Of course, it is necessary to get used to it. We are accustomed to quietly, although sometimes there are inconsistencies, but you do not have to choose. After all, no one was waiting for that there would be such a situation that would have to go to quarantine. Therefore, now you need to treat everything with understanding. Everyone is trying not to miss classes, because you need to learn. Wherever the teacher is near and can explain. But what can you do?

- besides lessons than Kostya do?

- He plays the piano - already in the sixth grade. I am like a mother always treat with his game, besides, I am a musician. But I want to say that I am proud of them. Because he is a good boy, he likes to play the piano. Of course, a little lance, because he is a child, but plays well. And my nephew plays. Also Kostya went to the exercise of large tennis. We also bought a horizontal bar. He could do at home, but after surgery he has contraindications.

Diana Gurtskaya with the son of bones

Diana Gurtskaya with the son of bones

Press service materials

- I look that you yourself also actively continue your musical activity and not even afraid to release the clip during a pandemic!

- Yes, in my life there happened the song "Girlfriends". My brother-producer suggested this composition. I didn't even listen to the chorus, but I already understood that she was mine and I really want to sing it. I would be very disappointing if there was no this song in my life, because she was so mine: according to sounds, voting. When we brought it, we had the idea of ​​creating a clip, wanted to invite my stunning, amazing friends from the video shooting. Many thanks for them for the fact that, despite their employment, no one refused. Everything was so sincere. Everyone gave their love and a part of the shower, I was madly pleasant. We shot this clip for a very long time. It took a whole month so that everyone could get together. As a result, it turned out a very beautiful clip - everyone said that he was cool. Every time I see next to my friends, I always thank them. That's about it and there is this song. Each person is close in his own way. And you know, as if it was so coincided that I can literally warm this song to this song, to make sure at least a little bit of such a difficult time. From here, by the way, and the name of my new album is "time".

- The appearance of the appearance is also important to the artist even on self-insulation. Girls complain that it is now difficult to make a hairstyle, manicure, as the salons are closed. How do you solve this question?

- I have my own hairdresser, which I can invite. In fact, it all depends on us. Even if we do not have the opportunity to go outside and go to the salon, in any case, we find a way to bring ourselves in order. This is our female magic. Such procedures are still very raising the mood.

The actress always tries to look good. Even during self-insulation

The actress always tries to look good. Even during self-insulation

Press service materials

- Well, if you already have a manage to look like on the cover of a magazine, your husband probably just barks you with compliments? Let it be at a distance ...

- You know, the most important compliment is his love and attitude towards me. We are together for 15 years, I think it says a lot. This is a wonderful person, I am grateful to him, and if you turn back everything, I would never think, I would all decide as I decided 15 years ago. The husband is constantly trying to make a holiday for me for my son and for my surroundings. I am grateful to him for it. I am grateful to his family, mom, because her words mean a lot for me. She is a guide star in my life and in my husband's life. She both leads us. Cute, kind, stunning mom. I love her insanely and I am very grateful for everything.

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