Elena Sparrow: "I am 50, but I believe in miracles"


Honored Artist of Russia Elena Sparrow, who marked the anniversary, plays a major role in the play "A man with delivery to the house", is preparing a new humorous program, going to participate in the television show and wants a real holiday for his friends and colleagues.

- Elena, do you yourself believe that you have an anniversary?

- I'm 25 again! And for your holiday, I will come with a working mood. As for gifts, I do not really expect anything. I will be glad to all. But there is one gift about which I have long been dreaming and want to get it from my daughter. I want her to play a piano. Sonya has studied for six years in a music school in the piano and from time to time cannuchyl: "Well, can I, mommy, brash?!" For me, music teacher and solfeggio in first formation, these words hurt. She had a break in classes, laughing a few months, and she said: "I want to do." Only I thought: "Here it is, nice return!" "And she:" I want to do on the drums. " And I see that she is passionate and how she likes.

- It is said that girls after thirty look at as much as they work on themselves ...

- really work! I support myself with two hands and as long as I do it. Although I'm not so much an ardent and disciplined athlete, I can eat overnight. I confess, it is hard for me not to succumb to temptations, especially on tour and banquets. But if it happens, then I sit on the beloved "green" diet. It is basically only green - they are with negative calorie - and after a week I drop a couple of kilograms. Well, genetics, of course, plays a role: if you look at my dad, you will never believe how old he is. In general, to all modern achievements of cosmetology and plastic surgery, I am loyal. Stupidly in 65 years old look like a girl, and to tell everyone that we attach the cucumbers to face. It is more important that people correctly and thoughtfully choose doctors and weighed everything "for" and "against". If after plastics a person will feel more confident and is ready to decide on this, then why not. Once I tried the hyaluronic acid injections and regret it. Anesthesia did not take me, therefore it was very painful, and traces remained from the Ukrainians themselves: there was a liquid, because of what I looked as if I was dropped into an anthill. It was necessary to spend five sessions, and I passed only two. In addition, after each procedure, you need a few days to restore - for me it is a non-disabilities.

Elena loves to relax in Mediterranean countries

Elena loves to relax in Mediterranean countries

- I recently saw you in a new play, where you played an eccentric person. You have a huge number of text and long monologues. How do you manage so much to learn by heart?

- Still I am a professional! I actress a synthetic genre - I sing, dance, I read monologues from the scene ... There are no special secrets: I always easily remembered. When I studied at school, it was enough to read the poem a couple of times to remember it. It seems to me that the developed imagination helps to learn texts: imagine a picture, for example, "frost and sun, a wonderful day," and it somehow remembered by itself. (Smiles.)

- Elena, your daughter for fourteen years. I heard that pregnancy became a pleasant surprise for you. Remember the moment when you heard that you will have a child?

- Sure! It was like in comedy movies: "Let's check again! Wouldn't it? .. "Then in front of me stood the most serious choice. I understood: you need to lie. Working, I risk even not my health, but the health of the child. Maybe even his birth. But the organizers literally pumped into pieces: "If you refuse, we will never call you anywhere else." I had to go for risk. And as a result, it was not without consequences. Then a whole year we dangled in doctors, in hospitals. Fought for the health of Sony. Now, fortunately, everything is behind.

- Fourteen years for a child - a difficult age. Have you already encountered the so-called transition period?

- to educate the teenager is not easy. But I remember myself at this age, and it helps me to find a common language with Sonechka. Even when it seems to her that I can't understand her, I have to prove every time that mom is the closest person who will find the necessary words and will support, give the wise council. I must surprise my child, my no longer a little daughter. While I get. She sees that I am authority for the whole family - for the Father, sisters, nephews. We have a dream with a dream: better bitter truth than a sweet lie. Because everything will come out, and it will only be worse.

Some time ago, Elena bought an apartment in Montenegro. When the actress has time to rest, she goes into this beautiful country with the whole family

Some time ago, Elena bought an apartment in Montenegro. When the actress has time to rest, she goes into this beautiful country with the whole family

- Do you take a daughter on tour?

- Not. Sonya all the time goes somewhere. From me to girlfriends and back, and last year I moved to a new school. Somehow at the end of the school year, I decided to check her knowledge and grabbed the head. Sonya could not tell anything about the Great Patriotic War. Of our huge large families in the war, only three people survived. This is the most important page in the history and our family, and the country. It must be remembered. And at the same time Sonya studied at Four and Five. What did the rest know there?!

I am glad that I see the book in my daughter's hands. I experienced different periods in my life - from ascetic to such when I had earned and could already afford something. I remember how after moving from Peter to Moscow I had a chunk of bread and a bank of the vilie, and it was necessary to stretch for two days. And nothing, lived. I know the price of each penny, which appears in my pocket. Each thing in my apartment has earned honest labor. And I try to instill such an attitude towards my daughter's life.

- Is it possible to say that over time your eyes have changed? And you do not allow yourself any former actions?

- I still can't forgive one of these nonsense. It was my first strong love. Then I met with a young man who was very fired. I stood on the frost about seven hours in light clothes: Karaulla, who besides me will come out of his apartment. No one came out. I earned cystitis and pyelonephritis, the month could not move. Now I understand that when a person loves, he will never be offended - and it makes no sense to risk your health!

- Do you have the shortcomings that you never managed to overcome?

"Maybe I would like a little longer than a leg and eyelashes." (Laughs.) I can't seriously answer this question, because I accept myself what I am. It happens, I am angry with yourself, but rarely. And I would not change anything. Next to me beautiful friends, favorite people, a lot of positive.

Elena Sparrow:

"It's hard for me to be tempting, especially on tour and banquets. But if it happens, then I sit on the beloved" green "diet," Elena admits

- You almost do not talk about your personal life. But such a bright and attractive woman simply can not be the second half ...

- Now I have no serious relationship. Wait - see what will happen next.

- And what should be a man to conquer you?

- I'm afraid to seem unoriginal: a man must be a man !!!

- Father Sony took part in her upbringing?

- Sure. When she was born, Igor said: "The child should have a father. I will always be present in her life. And until the moment she could ask why we do not live together, you really take care so that my photo is always next to her bed. " Of course, I fulfilled this request, and Igor kept his promise. I did not obstruct them to communicate, did not configure Sonya against the Father. Dad is dad, he never did anything bad and did not want. Never missed Sony's birthdays, despite the fact that he had another family. He even came to us on vacation in Montenegro. They have bathed with Sonya, communicated and engaged in preparing for school.

- Already decided how will you celebrate the anniversary?

- I wanted to escape, but my relatives, friends, colleagues from different cities and even countries called me, so it would not be possible to drag in quietly. In general, there will be a feast to the whole world. If I am satisfied with the holiday, then I want him to be bright. I have a lot of years, but I believe in fairy tales and miracles and remain a deeply positive person.

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