Learning to be offended by men


It turns out to be offended too. In fact, this process is very entertaining. If you have never thought about the fact that you can generally not be able to be offended, it's time to learn some tricks in order to wrap the situation in our favor and not destroy relationships with a partner. We offer to start.

The first rule: to be offended after your emotions subsided. In the "hot" state, you just mall firewood, and nothing more. Need to calm down and think everything. When you are calm, you can normally discuss with a person that you are not suitable and what measures you will receive if the situation happens. Adults are exactly how they solve all disputes.

Do not accuse the partner

Do not accuse the partner

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Be sure to notify the opponent about your insult. The main thing is not to pounce onto a person, but just inform him about your experiences.

Suppose you are with your partner at a party, he begins to tell about you what you would not like to convey to others, in this situation you have no other choice, how to defend yourself with all available ways. So you will show that the conversation is unpleasant to you, and the person must ask for forgiveness.

Tell me a man that bothers you

Tell me a man that bothers you

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Tell me that if he continues to put you in an uncomfortable position, you will leave. It should push a person to the idea that he does something wrong.

If the situation is repeated, in must leave the room without unnecessary words and screams.

It is important to show the person that your insult is serious and you are not going to lower it with the hands of such an appeal to your address.

There is a way to successfully get out of the unpleasant situation. You can try it not only on my man, but also in Luda a person who is unwarly involuntarily turns into your offender. The essence is to make a "puff pastry" from positive information, add a little criticism and just wait. Small scheme of action:

1. First praise the partner, show how important it is for you. Thank you for anything. This will be positive information.

Let a person sees how you feel about what is happening. Try to talk about yourself, for example, "I'm upset", "I don't know what to do." In no case do not blame partner, it will only aggravate his misunderstanding of the situation and lead to a scandal.

Do not roll the scandal, talk calmly

Do not roll the scandal, talk calmly

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

2. Tell me right what you want. Without hints. Thus, you will show a person that you are waiting for him certain behavior and actions. A man is likely to feel guilty and tried to correct the situation.

3. In order for the partner to know exactly, in which direction it moves to correct and do not upset you anymore, formulate clear wishes, how do you see the solution to this problem. Women do not always pay attention to this item, and very in vain.

Following these rules, you will be easier to agree with the partner, without throwing unnecessary accusations against each other. A constructive approach will help to establish relationships, and you will have to be offended.

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