Anna Semenovich: "At some point I began to comprehensive because of the big breast"


"In general, I was always slightly complete, and even during the sports period, when I rode. I was always weighed, forced to lose weight, and, honestly, it was a big problem for me, because I ate very little. I just was a strong girl. The period began when I got a couple with Roman Kostomarov, and then I lost 8 kilograms for a month. It was very difficult, I generally did not eat anything: one apple and shrimp per day. Shrimp I eaten a little too: 4 shrimps in the afternoon and the same thing in the evening. At the same time, I also ran around the house, winding myself with packages under the legs. At that time, there were still no special belts that help sweating and promote weight loss. Therefore, I really understand the girls who consider themselves completely, I always had some kind of wild complex. I have always struggled with overweight. I had different periods in my life when I could and lose weight strongly and recover. But basically I discharged the weight when I had projects in the cinema, for the "ice age" or for some other projects, when I needed to keep the weight to make it easier to raise me.

At some point in his life, I began to complexly comprehensively set up because of a big magnificent chest, because all the time I was podkalavali, they walked the rigorous jokes. It brought me to the point that I did a breast decrease operation. And, of course, after that I realized that I had to do something, I began working on myself. I started taking myself as I am, to love myself and my body. In general, it does not matter what figure you have: Loud you, a little complete or normal - who generally establish these criteria, what should be a person? Each man comes from each person, and only a loving, respectful and accepting girl can emit energy that will attract the man with whom she will be happy. I believe that every person is individual and handsome, and there can be no such thing that everything in the world should be only thin or only in the body. Each person himself determines how to be. Sometimes we can recover, but it is better to feel in greater weight. And it looks harmonious and also accepted by the person himself.

Anna Semenovich:

"At some point in my life, I started to complexly comprehensively complex because of a big magnificent chest, because all the time I was podkalavali, they walked the rigorous jokes. It brought me to what I had a breast decrease operation

In general, I think that these norms imposed to us thinners who came from European designers are very unnatural. Because women have a shape, they have breasts, hips, and in Europe there are very fashionable thin models that head the covers of magazines. Young girls look at it and just fool themselves hunger and try to be like them. At the same time, they can spoil their health, stomach. Girls can not eat anything at all, and it is completely wrong. - says Anna. - Of course, you need to follow the food, you do not need to be thrown, but it is necessary to eat right and well.

Now I support my weight. Many lose weight on buckwheat, on the breast, and I try simply there is not so much. I have two variants of the diet: either I often with small portions, or - stick to interval fasting, when you hold 16 hours of hunger between meals. You can drink water, teas, but there is nothing. For example, I can eat at 8 pm, sample 16 hours and the next day to eat again. This is a new interesting system that is very suitable for me. I calmly skip breakfast, and eat twice a day: I dinner and dinner. I love meat, chicken, I eat protein food with great pleasure, I love fish very much. But I have weakness: I also love pizza and potatoes. Pizza is some horror (laughs). Honestly, I still allow yourself to eat a piece of pizza. I really love potatoes boiled or in the form of mashed potatoes. But I try to eat it with a separate dish, not to mix it with a protein-cutlet or chicken. I can eat potatoes with vegetable salad, but for dinner to eat protein food.

Anna Semenovich:

"I have two diet options: either I often with small portions, or - stick to the interval starvation, when you hold 16 hours of hunger between meals

Press service materials

I try to engage at least three times a week. I have a walkway at home, I do Cardio training. It helps to be in shape, pulls the skin. Such workouts help me. I try to spend it three times a week, and if there is time - every day in a row, and then - I can take a break. I also love body massage, which tightens the skin very well, displays lymph. Now, on self-insulation, I take daily bathrooms with salt, this is generally my corona "dish", if you can say so. I pour a whole pack of salt into the bathroom, whipping the foam and flashes every morning for 15-20 minutes. Salt is very well strengthened by immunity, launches metabolism and removes water from the body.

Before the self-isolation began, I went to the beautician twice a week, made a face massage, hardware procedures that moisturize, nourish and tighten the skin. Especially twice a year, I make a biorevitalization course. I really like one drug, which cives in the skin of the face, it moisturizes the deep layers of the skin. So I try in the spring and autumn to go through the course of mesotherapy, it is 3-4 procedures every two weeks. Well, at home, of course, I do masks. When I go to the bathroom - I hold 20 minutes on my face. I have a huge number of different masks. Then I clean the skin well. The masks refresh very well and allow you to maintain the skin in the tone. "

In addition, to finally find harmony with you, love yourself and your appearance, the singer has been fond of psychology for many years and reads a lot of special literature:

"I have long been fond of psychology, I work much on myself. I believe that you need to learn to accept. I understand that someone, maybe the ears stick out or some congenital problems, explicitly, then maybe you need to change something. But if you are a beautiful girl, but it seems to you that you are full of or something else with you, then, of course, you need to do from the inside. And to this, too, need to come. It is unlikely that the 16-18-year-old girls will be carried away by psychology. Before accepting yourself and love, you need to mature. Everything is your time in this life.

Anna Semenovich:

"Only loving, respectful and accepting a girl can radiate the energy that will attract the man with whom she will be happy."

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Therefore, I urge everyone to do not rush to make decisions, you need to follow my health, just do not overeat, but also do not argue yourself with hunger to strive to be similar to other girls with magazines covers. You every - Goddess! A woman is a special diamond, which is great, does not have two identical women on the planet. Each unique is individual in its own way, so you need to find positive qualities in yourself, you need to love them and increase them. In no case should not be engaged in self. You need to love yourself, praise yourself, because we are all - real goddesses "!

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