How to deal with the purchase and sale of the apartment remotely


The insulation mode, introduced in Russia, was reflected in the economy and in the real estate market. Restrictions on the movement of citizens led to the fact that many potential sellers and buyers of apartments and houses turned out to be forced to refuse views, to transfer the timing of the signing of sales contracts, and are now waiting for the end of the self-insulation regime.

However, even with such conditions, it is possible to organize the process of buying and selling an apartment or home remotely.

Questions may arise not so much with the design of documents as with the show of the property and the transfer of money. Moreover, the transfer of money and the signing of the contract can be combined and immediately in the bank at the first personal meeting.

Real Estate Expert Love Izzhzhova

Real Estate Expert Love Izzhzhova

Photo: Instagram / Elite_apartment_Moscow

What does the whole sale process look like?

The first stage is the choice of real estate object.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can conduct an online display of an apartment or home ownership by video, during which you will see your chosen object, documents for it, you can communicate with the agent and seller, ask all your questions.

Of course, the online display will never replace the "live" show, where the apartment can be "experienced", but in this period of time a remote format is the best solution not to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the best offers of banks and developers.

The next stage is the booking of an apartment or home and deposit. For this, a lawyer is preparing a sales contract. A similar procedure takes only one or two days. Then the contract is sent to all parties to familiarization.

After that, the buyer with the seller and the agent come to the bank, where the procedure for transferring funds and signing the contract of sale is. This process is just happening at the first personal meeting in the bank. At the same time, the cost is booked and the price no longer changes.

Then the documents in Rosreestr are sent by the courier and, as soon as the transaction is registered, the courier service will take you straight home all the documents of the sale and documents on the right of ownership of the apartment or the house.

One of the facilities of such a format of work is a remote conduct of all payments, which is much safer than cash transmission.

In addition, with any remote operations, you are protected from fraud, as all transactions and actions can always be easily prove in court - correspondence, transfers from bank cards and accounts.

Therefore, if you choose an apartment in a new building, now it's time to book your favorite and price, while the interest rates on the mortgage are reduced.

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