We select clothing for sports: full set for newcomers


You are "novice" in the gym and do not know which sporting form is needed? We offer a detailed list with our comments:


The first thing to buy if you decide to play sports. Do not save on shoes - high-quality sneakers will serve you not one year. Check the laces - they should not be smooth, otherwise they will quickly untie. In this case, buy spare.

When choosing, it is important to take into account the type of classes:

- for running and group studies fitness Lightweight sneakers are suitable from the "breathable" fabric with a flexible sole - should bend at least to an angle of 90 degrees;

- for exercises in the gym - Sneakers with flat solid soles of dense leather type or suede tissue.

Tip: Buy shoes just your size - no less and no more. In the sneakers of the unsuitable size of the foot will be quickly tired, joints can be injured.

Do not save on shoes

Do not save on shoes

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Choose a model of drawing fabric - cotton or polyester. We advise model with an overwhelmed waist and a wide elastic belt - such will not "crawl" during classes and will be able to hide the imperfections of the figure. Coloring, in general, does not matter, but we draw your attention to the fact that the tight loses of light flowers like white or beige shone underwear. To determine its size, use the table that is usually hanging in the fitting room or ask for assistance to the consultant.

Tip: In the store, when you choose pants, make several exercises in them - squats, maugh legs and slopes. So you definitely make sure of their convenience.

When you choose pants, make several exercises in them.

When you choose pants, make several exercises in them.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Top for breast

The support of the breast is extremely important during sports - without a special Top can not do. From the Leather, the breast can "fall out" with slopes and jumps, while the dense elastic tapping fabric will support it. We advise the models with "cups" from artificial material - it dries faster after washing than cotton. Make sure you can freely breathe - the top inappropriate size usually transmits the chest.


It makes no sense to buy special T-shirts and T-shirts for classes - this is an excessive waste of money, which is a novice athlete for anything. Take any of your wardrobe - the main thing is that it does not throw movement. For loads of the type of run, when you sweat abundantly, the T-shirts are better fit - the moisture will be faster to evaporate from open areas of the body, cooling it.

Take a T-shirt from your wardrobe

Take a T-shirt from your wardrobe

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Do not forget about the necessary accessories - hair rum, socks, towel and water bottle:

- Socks also advise you to buy sports brands - they have a special weaving of the fabric, thanks to which the legs are less tired. In addition, the practice confirms that such products are more durable;

- Towel Buy a small amount of microfiber - such a cloth absorbs moisture well and dries quickly after washing;

- The bottle for the water we advise you to take with the opening nozzle on the neck and the volume of no more than 500 ml - it is easier to re-fill it out than wearing a heavy bottle around the hall.

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