Fashion Victims: Stars affected by apparent connoisseurs


This year, Lupital Niongo, the winner of the American Film Academy Award for the role in the film "12 years of slavery", was not nominated for Oscar. The actress was invited to the ceremony for awarding award. "Now there is no last year's feeling of emotion and pressure. I dressed up and just came to enjoy the show, "said on the red carpet of the Lupit. And the next day, on Monday, Lupito placed in his Instagram photo of his dress, shoes and decorations with the words "It was cool! Oscar -2015. Diamonds and pearls. "But on Tuesday, a luxurious outfit from Calvin Klein, created by Francisco Costa, decorated with 6000 pearls and an estimated more than 150 thousand dollars, disappeared without a trace.

"On Wednesday evening at 23.23, the call will come. The caller reported that from the hotel "London" was kidnapped by the dress of Lupita Niongo, "said Police representatives of Los Angeles. "Investigators pollrew the hotel staff, browsing video surveillance cameras, looking for evidence. According to our assumptions, theft was perfect on Tuesday afternoon. We consider different options for the development of events. For example, we do not exclude that the outfit could steal during the cleaning of the room when the door to the room remained open. "

However, all the investigative actions of the police did not bring any results. And the staff of one popular site writing about the stars helped find the dress guarantees of the order. They reported that an unknown person contacted them and said that Niongo's outfit is located in the same hotel, from where it was kidnapped, in a closed bathroom on the second floor. Arrived by the police really found under the sink black package for garbage, in which there was a white dress.

According to representatives of the site, the thief told them how the crime committed itself. At the time of theft, the actress was in the room. The thief waited until he had the opportunity to get into the room. As soon as the door was opened, he quickly scratched into the room, grabbed the dress, threw it from the balcony to the helmier at the bottom of the accomplice and also quietly left the room. With Lupito, they did not meet.

Then the robbers cut off the outfit several pearls to find out their cost. And, to his huge regret, they found out that the stones were fascinating. That is why unsuccessful criminals returned their prey back, and one of them called the media: he wanted everyone to find out how "the people in Hollywood" fool.

Thieves of dresses, which took the creation of several months until found. The creators of the masterpiece do not comment on the words of the criminal that the pearls are fake. Creative director of the female collection of Calvin Klein Francisco Costa, who worked on the design of the dress together with the actress, to Oscar told: "We created a series of different textures with an intricate placement of pearls of various sizes. We studied different types of pearls: the pearls of the southern sea, the rainbow pearls, natural. And they decided that the natural looks beautiful. " Upon learning of the discovery, the Costa promised to restore the dress and send it to the archive exposition. "I am very glad that it was found. This dress is a real work of art, "added Lupital Niongo.

In 2003, Monica Bellucci performed as the Mistress of the Cannes Film Festival. And in honor of the actress to the French resort city, they brought a dress in which she starred in the painting "Asterix and Obelix: Cleopatra Mission" two years earlier. However, again, the outfit worth 180 thousand dollars of Italian movie star never happened: the dress was stolen from Martinez.

Police quickly managed to find a kidnapper expensive filmorekvisitis. They turned out to be a waiter who recently arranged to work in this hotel. He assigned a dress to impress the two girls with whom he met a few hours before theft. The unique item of the wardrobe was returned to the firm, which became its owner after filming the film. However, the thief and his girlfriends managed to bring the outfit in a terrible look, so the costumes of the company had to work pretty much on the dress to return to him former beauty.

Victoria Beckham twice became a victim of fashionable robbers. Photo:

Victoria Beckham twice became a victim of fashionable robbers. Photo:

Victoria Beckham twice became a victim of fashionable robbers. The first time this happened in 2007, when the football player's spouse was also a member of the Spice Girls group. During the concert in Germany, clothes, shoes and stage costumes are stolen from the dressing room of Victoria for tens of thousands of dollars. And most of all the singer upset the loss of the Red Cape, which she wore the scenes. It was created by Roberto Cavalline specifically for the star, and the inscription "Mrs. Beckham" was conquered on the chest, and on the back "POS" - the pseudonym Victoria in the group. Thieves were not found.

And two years later, Beckham robbed again. This time as a fashion designer. In London on a truck, transported outfits from the Victoria collection, a clearly planned armed attack was committed. Threatening the driver with a knife, the criminals knitted him and brought out of the car several boxes with clothes, which was supposed to go to New York for sale. In total, about 75 wardrobe items have gone to a total cost of 600 thousand dollars. The fact that criminals or clothing were found were not reported.

Fashion Victims: Stars affected by apparent connoisseurs 42535_2

Cover Album NO Doubt Group "TRAGIC KINGDOM".

In 2005, a red vinyl dress Gwen Stefani was stolen from the Museum in Fullerton in California, in which she starred for the cover of the third album of the NO Doubt group "Tragar Kingdom". The outfit was presented in the exposition "History of Rock and Roll of Orange County" and was located on a mannequin, standing on a metering podium in the plexiglass box. Having learned about the disappearance, the team members turned to the thieves with a request to return the outfit, explaining that this dress was very expensive as Gwen and them. However, this appeal was not heard.

According to investigators, the kidnappers were at least two. Moreover, the guards of the order were leaning towards the version that women could be the thieves. Other exhibits, among which were expensive guitars, remained intact. Since then, the fate of the missing dress is not known: statements about the fact that the outfit is found from the police.

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