Stanislav Yarushin: "Alena believed that I was such a whole majority"


It is also associated primarily with Anton Martynov from Universis and sincerely believe that Stanislav Yarushin, like his serial hero, is a sort of major, to which all the benefits of the world fall on the head for her first. However, in real life, the actor is not at all similar to Anton, and everything that he achieved, achieved his own forces. But "Unillire" is still very grateful. After all, even with his wife, he met for this series.

- Stanislav, you come from Chelyabinsk. The desire to move to Moscow and become an actor appeared in his youth?

- There was no such. I've been professionally played in hockey until seventeen years. Enrolled in the university (it was the Chelyabinsk State Agroenterminarian University) as a hockey player. Therefore, thoughts about the future were associated with sports: hoped, maybe some Moscow team will notice me. But never really worried about this. How will it be so.

- Where do boys in Chelyabinsk usually go after school?

- In the ancient Sparta, as you know, ugly and sick boys were dumped from the cliff. So, we have a joke, that if the boy does not know how to play hockey, he is thrown from the Ural Mountains. But in fact, few people remain in Chelyabinsk. From there everyone is leaving: the ecology is bad.

"But with a hockey hockey in the end I didn't come around, but it turned out from KVN.

- I always adored watching KVN on TV. Thought: how they are good there, how fun ... I really wanted to get there. Time passed, and I was there. And then I realized that it was not only good, but also very hard. Unreal regime. Probably those overload now affect me.

From the early years, our hero had one more hobby - music

From the early years, our hero had one more hobby - music

Photo: Personal archive Stanislav Yarushin

- And when the KVN appeared in your life?

- Back in school years. I also participated in theatrical productions. I have hockey, and the work went in parallel. I remember, I sit in the locker room, we are preparing for the match, all thoughts about the game, and my dad asks me: "Do you want to speak at the competition of young vocalists?" And I have a puberty period, so I - in any: "Do you want the guys in the locker room with a woman with a woman? .." But I made it, it was shown on the whole Chelyabinsk region. I took second place. Guys, by the way, appreciated my performance. I remember when I went to the locker room, everyone began to clap - like in films. Respect, in one word! After all, in those years, if you are in TV - it's all, the highest degree of recognition! So at some point dad told me that I would tie with hockey, my place on stage. Already in the first year at the institute I was taken to the KVN team as a vocalist.

- Do you end up in the end?

- Not. In general, I came there because of my mother. She insisted that I had a technical education: Soviet people were brought up, it seemed important to get a diploma. And I was sitting at the university the first two courses and did not understand what I learning there. The theory and production of vegetation, some animals ... I had to become an agricultural mechanic engineer. Damn it where I am? .. I finished the first course without a "tripek": there were still school subjects. And when the deepening went to rural life ... I got the rights to the tractor. And I did not understand why.

- When you decided that you no longer want to learn?

- In 2001-2002, when the "county city of N" team, in which I participated, became megapopular. We toured tightly in Russia. It was the point of no return. Everything! I understood: what university - I was seven years old, but I did not receive a diploma. The guys from the young Caveain generation met me and said that he was studying in the same group with me. I answered that I was pleased, but I never appeared there.

And artistic abilities led him to KVN

And artistic abilities led him to KVN

Photo: Personal archive Stanislav Yarushin

- Cavencers have always been popular. Is it stolen?

- Yes, and I was not completely in that direction. When twenty with a little comes fame, you will be recognized on the streets, not everyone can adequately survive this period. I was demolished cuckoo. I even became a familiar type towards my parents. Well, on time managed to stop. Helped father. He, a teacher of history, psychology, society, just talked to me. But it's good that I was covered at twenty-one. I saw those who took off in forty-fifty years, and even with the mentality of the nineties. That's there trouble!

- How did you get into the "university"?

- Guys who produce and wrote the Scenario of Univers, are my buddies, Cavencers from my city. They said that there is an image in the series for twenty-episodes, which, as they seem to be suitable for me. But we have the concept of "friendship", and is the concept of "work". Therefore, we immediately agreed: I pass the casting on the general reasons. I passed the casting, and everything happened. These twenty episodes lasts for several years ...

- Did you finish some acting courses?

- Not. Year in 2003, maybe in 2004 he entered Gitis, but did not learn. It was a correspondence department, the course of Viktor Rakov. Probably, at that moment I was stopped by the fact that I am not from a rich family. Parents earned, we did not help, but I helped them. Therefore, the Kavainovskaya story was spinning in the head, from which it was scary to leave: tour, finance ... And if I began to learn, I would have lost weight.

Stanislav Yarushin:

In the popular TV series "Univer" Stanislav played Major Anton

- But do you want to go beyond this well-minded image? Playing from some mast to the director in the "full meter"?

- I have a spectacle of "smear". This isnefritz, where I play Killer. One French play was based on. So, the audience say that they like to see me in another role. It is clear that I still hang a comedicist stamp. But I can say that I had suggestions, castings in dramatic stories. And they had to be carried out, but for one reason or another did not work. Of course, I would like to play in some unexpected image. In the meantime, in most cases, the scenarios of lightweight comedies are that I have already done millions of times. I refuse.

- That is, you do not run for money?

- No way. What for?..

- You can afford yourself. You have now covered with "universal" ...

- Yes, he will still be filmed. But I also think about business projects that are not related to the film industry. I can not disclose the details yet. But I do not understand the familiar actors who sit and wait when they are invited to some project. I ask them: why not think of something completely different?

- By the way, about another. You also started singing? ..

- I sang from school times. I and the group was in Chelyabinsk. I offered the boys to go to Moscow, but they did not decide to move away from the spaces - sang in the restaurants of the "flying gait." They were afraid to lose stable earnings. And I finally fulfilled the dream of my childhood. Last year released a solid disk. I do not hide: my media played a role. But I am very happy.

Last year, Yarushin released a disc with his songs and removed the music clip. He also tours with concerts in Russia

Last year, Yarushin released a disc with his songs and removed the music clip. He also tours with concerts in Russia

Photo: Personal archive Stanislav Yarushin

- What do you sing?

- Mostly your songs, more - songs of my dad: He created them when I was eighteen-twenty. Ilya Zudin wrote me a few things, the soloist of the group "Dynamite". I do not fulfill the cover version - I do not like, I do not understand.

- Are you touring?

- Sure. The plans to create a team, whose musicians would play only with me. And this is not jealous, just we have a good team now. We play in Moscow, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk ... I like what I am doing, I do not have patrons, I have nothing to do anything, no one imposes my tastes in the musical plan. Spectators, it seems to me, see that I am not artificial. When there are no concerts for a long time, I come to the stage, worried. But we gave the heat at the last concert so that ... sometimes thoughts come: what am I doing, who needs it? But after such meetings with the audience I understand that I want to live creatively.

- What about hockey?

- I continue to play hockey. But he does not bring me any finance. For me, this is extremely the opportunity to maintain yourself in the form, a healthy lifestyle. I like it. I walked in Kavanenian years, now all your free time is a gym and family.

Stanislav Yarushin:

With the future wife, Elena Stanislav met on the set of the series "Univer"

Photo: Personal archive Stanislav Yarushin

- Let's talk about her. After all, you are a man married, father of the family (at an interview, Stanislav arrived with his daughter, who courageously served all the time that we talked, - and it took more than an hour. - Approx. Aut.) Tell me, how I met my wife.

- We all turned out beautifully. We met on the set of the series "Univer". Alena came to the playground to his girlfriend - for some cases. She was even persuaded to play in the crowd. On the first day, confess, I didn't even pay attention to it. And when she appeared on the second day - to pick up something, - here already my eyes opened. I understood: this is fate. A week later, we began to live together. A month, for the new year, I made an offer. As I remember: January 2, Alena flew to his homeland - to Tomsk. And I went with friends to continue to celebrate the New Year's meeting to the country house. But after a couple of hours I realized that I could not without her. And right in a ski suit, with a passport in your hands, I threw it all and rushed to the airport. Of course, there are no tickets, and check-in on the flight is completed. But the woman on the rack found out me by KVN. She said that he would try to help. A ticket was found - the truth, the cost of years is eighty thousand rubles. Well, I was just a hundred thousand on the map. I'm launched on the plane. I fly in the business class is absolutely alone. I come to Alena, I sat down, I come after the New Year parties in my senses, and then before the whole family I make a sentence. Everyone agrees. It turns out that Mom Alena knew me by KVN. But Allen's herself did not look at him. But for some reason I thought that I was such a whole major. And everything worried that they have a toilet on the street ... and I have my mother from the village that under Anapa, I also lived, I'm not accustomed. And the woman behind the counter, which helped me find a ticket, I met somewhere a year ago. Thank you very much, I told that we have two children with Alena. Since then, we communicate.

- But the family of Alena did not have prejudices against you? Still, public people in understanding many are not the good party ...

- No, there was nothing from the family of Alena. But my dad at the wedding "spoke." "Alain, do you understand who you go out?" He asked my future spouse. "Understand!" - firmly answered Alena. I appreciate the confidence of my wife. Yes, I have fans, so what? It is important, as I behave in relation to them. There are such fans that men, pah-pah-pah, from the family go. And it happens that in adequate. I keep everyone at a distance. If a person is nice, not crazy, subordinate tactful, I calmly begin to communicate, then I look. Someone begins to rot, humble - I am with such an interrupt relationship immediately. Of course, there are cases when fans and on the street run up. I remember one of these, with wild eyes, snatched my phone from my hands and started shouting: "Take a picture with me!" I was taken away. Just asked how old he was. Replied that nineteen. But in general, I am shifted when I find out. I try in crowded places not to appear.

- You have with Alena - two children, Stephanie and Yaroslav. Senior child - daughter. Did not worry that the first girl appeared on the light: after all, many men for some reason dream of the heir? ..

- I wanted to my daughter. Madly wanted. And the second is the boys. We have a wonderful doctor LaZarevich Nemirovsky. He is our family friend. We talk to him before the first kinds: We want, they say, a girl. Chick! Happened. Then - he is: we want a boyfriend. Chick! Happened. I said to him: either he is really a genius of his business, or he just fartit. We are grinding with him about this. My friends then went to him, and all that was planned, took place. I already have a thought about the third child arises. But Alena has so far took a time out. He says he wants to live a little for himself. And then for five years we all quickly happened: a week later, they began to live together, in a month I made an offer, in the summer of the same year got married, and at the wedding she was already pregnant. Therefore, the triumph was not particularly noted. None of his friends really knew. I called in the morning, said that I was marrying. They replied: "That's a moron! What did not say before?! " (The moron is in a good sense.) So many of those who invited themselves, could not attend. But I think when we come to a more serious relationship with Alena before God, then we will pay anything. Women need a good wedding. And I, respecting my wife, I will definitely do it.

Now they have two children: Stephanie and Yaroslav

Now they have two children: Stephanie and Yaroslav

Photo: Personal archive Stanislav Yarushin

- The birth of a daughter changed you?

- Highly. I remember she was born, and the first temperature - thirty-seven - brought us to hysterics. Alyona cries, I'm silent, I call the acquaintance, go somewhere ... traffic jams ... We are then outside the city, lived in Snakia. Now the second child has a temperature of forty - we are both calm. All with experience comes. I think when the first child is born, all parents behave approximately equally. Panic even on trifles. Unpleasant when the kid is ill. There were situations - and together in the hospital lay. But nothing, this is life.

- It is already clear what children are? What do they like to do?

"Small, he is two and a half years old, I have a guy with character." I want to become hockey player. We'll see. The main thing is to have a lesson. Street, of course, should be present, but in moderation. I had it normal: football, hockey ... happened, and fought. But the bad habits went around me. And now this is a lot, especially in Moscow. I am afraid for my son. When the parties begin, clubs - it seems to me, I will ride there. In any case, in Instagram I will know all passwords. (Laughs.)

- What are your family upbringing methods?

- No matter how trite sounds, whip and gingerbread. Children know that in the case I can and give a poddle car. Yarik learning to rebuff. We thought that Stefania had jealousy when brother would appear. But, fortunately, this did not happen. They love each other very much. Yarik protects Stephenia. Sometimes, however, among themselves mututed. But this is a normal phenomenon.

- Enough time for upbringing?

- I try. It happens, of course, that I was loaded. But on Saturday I always with my family. Even I drive to children's programs. It seems to me that in the upbringing is the main thing - do not overload the child with information, do not make a Wunderkind out of it. And then everything will be harmonious. Alena for those years that we are together, does not work, engaged in family, economy. Therefore, children are under the permanent supervision of the mother.

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