When it is worth resorting to injecting cosmetology


Beauty is the key to the attractiveness of a modern man and his life success. Even if you have already achieved a high position in society, you need to follow your appearance - from the state of the skin to the snow-white smile. But if everything is clear with your teeth - they treat them and improves modern high-class dentistry, how to deal with skin, with wrinkles, with a common view of our body? After all, years, alas, are ruthless to all without exception - both to the factory worker, and to a business woman with millions of income.

Not every person agrees to lie down under a plastic surgeon scalpel. After all, surgery in the human body can lead to the most unexpected consequences. The risk of operations is always, but for some people it is minimal, and for others, on the contrary, almost all operations are contraindicated. However, in this case, it is not necessary to abandon the desire to improve your appearance.

Cosmetologist Leila Akimova

Cosmetologist Leila Akimova

Photo: instagram.com/leyla_cosmetologist/

Injection cosmetology allows you to rejuvenate you with minimal costs. Injection is not an operation: although there is its own contraindications (be sure to consult with specialists), it is transferred to the body much easier, does not imply common anesthesia, long-term rehabilitation. And many people today appeal for help from cosmetologists precisely in order for those with injections to save them from wrinkles, made the skin more elastic and young, gave the shape of the chest or buttocks.

Modern medicine considers cosmetology injections as the most gentle way of rejuvenation. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to bind the rejuvenating cosmetology with the onset of middle or older. The aging is determined individually and often in rejuvenating procedures people 30 and even 20 years old. Moreover, the injection of Botox, for example, is where it is better to do just to 40 years, since at this age the skin still retains elasticity, and the injections bring a more tangible effect.

By 30-35 years of age in the human body, the content of hyaluronic acid, collagen and subcutaneous fat is reduced. At the same time, first wrinkles appear. Therefore, most often people turn to the services of cosmetologists after 30 years. For example, with biorevitalization, you can revive the skin with biological methods.

The so-called "beauty injections" in the modern world are becoming increasingly popular. They are out of their popular methods of aesthetic plastic surgery. Moreover, the fashion for injection cosmetology is connected with the growing desire of people to maintain their individuality. With the help of injections, we do not change our body - we preserve it with young, in those proportions and the form that it had. After all, it is so wonderful - not age at 35-40-50 years.

Thanks to the methods of injection cosmetology, a modern person has the opportunity to look better in 35 than 25. It is enough just to choose a rejuvenating course, and for this - to contact a highly qualified specialist. It will carry out the necessary manipulations, including injections of drugs, and after a very short time you will see noticeable improvements. You will become younger and more beautiful and it will not be connected with the need to go to the operating table.

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