The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June


With kids

This week, the festival "Times and Epochs" continues its work. From June 8 to 12, in the park of the heroes of the First World War, you can learn about life in Russia of that time. Guests can visit the field hospital and look at the work of the sisters of mercy, watch Russian soldiers in the camp, touch the technique of those years and even ride on an old bike.

On Saturday, June 10, in the Kolomenskoye Museum, a fighting of Roman legionnaires with barbarians will be reconstructed within the framework of the festival. On a special exposure, you can familiarize yourself with the methods of the work of the ancient masters, to study the classic military camp of the Roman army, to visit the temple of the Vesta goddess and even move into an antique circus.

The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June 42488_1

Festival of mythologies and legends "Picky Shore"


In the beloved of all the kindergarten city of Masterslavl, the opening of the Laboratory of Communications and the Internet, where every child will be able to explore the basics of information technology, as well as try themselves at the current professions of the modern digital industry.

Now B.

Now in the "Masterlash" there is a communication laboratory and the Internet

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Prior to that, 4 classes on the basics of telecommunications were regularly held in the laboratory, where the children learned the history of communication and mastered the work of the telegraph, learned to understand the structure of networks, as well as in the game form, eliminated problems in the switch node.

The presenter was very interesting.

The presenter was very interesting.

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Now the program is complemented by three lessons, in which young visitors "Masterslavl" will tell about modern digital services and a number of IT professions, the basic principles of cybersecurity will explain.

The whole family

On June of the Ninth, the festival of mythologies and legends "Schuchi Coast" will be held at Schukinskaya Embankment. On the banks of the Moscow-River clubs of historical reconstruction and all sorts of teams through the legends and legends of different peoples living in Moscow will tell how our capital settled.

Be sure to find time and go on the cartoon "Life of the Zucchini", which tells the story of a small boy left without mom in the shelter. The picture received the "Cesar" award, was nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe.

All June and July in the Darwinian Museum will work the exhibition "Home!", On which portraits of Pets of Moscow shelters will be presented.

June 8 at the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, the opening day of the exhibition of young Russian artists "Go home" took place. The opening ceremony was visited by famous artists and artists.

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The founder of the Museum, Alexei Ananiev, spoke about how the idea was born to collect pictures of thirty-year authors dedicated to the topic of a modern metropolis: "She arose after we saw the work of several young artists and realized that these were not just bursts from our youth, but a kind of trend . And when we have already made it necessary to collect names and work, we realized that, despite the youth, these were the formed masters who work in a realistic tradition, and whose works are distinguished by the freshness of views on the world around.

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And this is a look of young people, people who have grown during the Internet, mobile communications all that is the fabric of our modern life. "The project participants are members of the famous creative dynasties: Alexander Pasternak (Grandmate Boris Pasternak), Anton Totibadze (comes from Georgian The artistic dynasty of Kutateladze-Totibadze), Ivan Lungin (the son of director Pavel Lungin) and others. But the main thing is the continuity of creative schools, which can be traced despite the different genres and stylistics of artists (there are paintings, street art, sculptures and installations at the exhibition).

The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June 42488_6

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This continuity of generations was noted by Diana Arbenina, which also visited the opening day and remained delighted with what he saw: "It seems to me the most important thing in art and that people are engaged in the field of heart canhee, this is some continuity. Because to invent the bike is impossible. And the art that I saw today, absolutely accurately has a root in the art of the era of the 50s, 60s. It can be seen, and this is done not in vain. And it really reminded me of St. Petersburg reality, because we always had a childhood in the courtyards and in the fact that grandmother must return home. There are absolutely masterpieces: the fame of the PTRK, the sculptures are generally stunning. And I really liked the manner of painting, it is concise, in paints are selective. In general, I really like this museum, and I think that you need to bring here children, they ripe it before, you need to understand what country you live in. "

The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June 42488_7

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Cheerful company

From Monday to Friday, from June 5 to June 9, within the framework of the Chekhov Festival in the Mosovet Theater it will be possible to plunge into the "Internal Landscapes" of Parisian Philip Zhanti. "This is a virtual poem for seven actors and puppets, created at the crossroads of my dreams, travels and fantasies," the author of the idea, scenography and performing Philip Zhanti speaks of his "landscapes".

The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June 42488_8

Frame from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Dead does not tell fairy tales"

For fans of Jack Sparrow and all his friends, you can recommend a new film "Pirates of the Caribbean: the dead do not tell fairy tales."

For lovers

Look at the work of the legendary French photo artist Jell Syphf, whom was also called a black and white magician, in Multimedia Art Museum at the "Master of High Style" exhibition. The exhibition presents photos of famous actors, directories, couturies, models, dancers and artists.


Immediately two performances that can not be missed by true theater. On June 20, Sergey Bezrukov in the phantasmagoria on the stage of the Moscow provincial theater will be released on the stage of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater in Fysholmagoria. His hero is a titular adviser to Parotchin, "she lived to 42 years old, but remained a small, inconspicuous employee, to which no one was doing. The painful dissatisfaction with himself and its place in life everything will continue to take him out of the gray reality in the world of fantasies, depriving reason.

Sergey Bezrukov in the play

Sergey Bezrukov in the play "Sleep Mind"

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An unusual decide, a bright plastic drawing, together with circus tricks, create a "dream dream" performances. Fancy phantasmagoria, full of incredible events and visions.

By the way, Sergey Bezrukov is not only the leading role. He also acts as director director. "It is important for me that it is a phantasmagoric dream, not a household theater: it's not interesting to show me in all details, as an official of Parcins gradually goes crazy," says Bezrukov himself about this work. "My copyright" sleeps "and sees dreams. In this state of sleep, all the incredible things that have described Gogol in their "notes", and even more incredible ... "

And on June 21, everything is there, in the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, the unexpected version of 'Caligules. The performance is delivered in the "plastic drama" genre - without words

The most interesting exhibitions, festivals, movies and performances of June 42488_10

"Caligula" - a performance without words

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At the same time, the creation of artistic images occurs not only with the help of plastic body and bright musical accents, but also with the use of characteristic dance elements, music, scenography, visual effects.

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