Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day 42444_1

Valentine's Day

Continuing the book of Natalia Black "in the very heart, or the story of one house."

Dusia, who considered himself an Isolde, hurt the ears offended and lowered her head. People who usually pay attention to her, on this day - February 14 - because of the fictional feser, lovers forgot about the existence of a cat. A friend Lyuva ran away in his children's deeds somewhere, other tenants have progressed around new swings and talked lively.

The cat tried to get up in front of the camera, which included the journalists who arrived on, but they did not see the screen star in it. Having raised the bottle of a couple of seconds, switched to the energetic brunette Milena, the husband of which had long gained the location of Dusi his generosity. Slammed shot. Cat in a panic pulled out, but it turned out - this is just a bottle, from the neck of which the fountain splashed the liquid.

Everyone laughed, drank yellow drink with bubbles and grabbed the swing of love, trying to devil at least a little happiness. The wise dusya decided that she would not hurt to take into arms to be admission. Saving between numerous legs, she was rubbed his forehead about the iron leg of the swing - it was not the first time. Instantly a miracle did not happen, and the duskey disappointed in his staircase, where the remains of yesterday's stew were hidden.

But something still happened. Enjoying a snack, she heard a familiar voice from the courtyard, bringing a romantic melody. There could be no doubt - it sang your favorite owner of her dreams! Switching back under the wet snow, the cat saw that a man, delicious herbal, cheese and a baluster, stands next to the swings and takes a song about tea under the guitar. People surrounding him with a dense ring, do not even dare to damage words from admiration, only sigh. And here is the annoyance! The easiest to the perfect owner is the opposite Igor from the fifth entrance, the other day again demanded to bring the dus from her beloved rug. But the singer, apparently, does not consider him a tear, he looks at a cat enemy wet from the treated tears. "It would be careful to look at Igor," Motally made a bookmark in the head of the Pestrushka.

The second miracle happened. At the festival, unexpectedly appeared by the station of Stalin, according to which now I have been desperate for the week. The woman was carrying a suitcase on wheels and, envy the cat, stopped to get a raspberry teddy bird from there on the fishing line. "Probably, this is my gift," the preoccupied old-timer decided and just in case he was grateful.

Snow all went, and people did not disperse. It has long been the solemn part of the opening of the swing. But chatting continued, because many neighbors first met, and they really wanted to know each other. Delicious crowds were surrounded by Stalin, and while Tasya was enthusiastic about something she told her, the little Kostik shook his first word. "Baba," - looking right on the manager, he said and laughed. Lyudochka from the 327th apartment made and put on a swing a whole tray of hot pies with a cherry, seeing it, Misha Prince ran in a grocery for cheese with mold and wine.

Even the steroid ninochka Milatov, which Stalin in secret disliked, today was not like himself. She glowed from happiness, holding the hand of Yana Pavlensky, who bought one of the expensive apartments in the "heart". "And when they managed to get acquainted ..." - shrugged by the manager.

For the holiday came the foreman Sharif with three boys and a pregnant wife. In secret, they told Stalin Vikentyevna, which is finally waiting for the girl. And Marina Kulikova decided to entertain her neighbors and arranged a mini-circus on the playground. The trained cat Vitya jumped through the ring, became on the hind legs and the team, like the dog, served a voice. True, he did not have the opportunity to speak for a long time, the children wanted to talk with the animals, threw and picked him, the cat did not resist.

There was a godedie stood and envied not only twit, but also all these people, so quickly made friends and made something together. She, too, wanted to take part in the general fuss, and then hit the entrance, and home, on the warm kitchen. But the miracle number is three, probably no longer ...

Or will it be? The edge of the eyes of the cat saw how Mark was sent to it. I saw and froze from happiness. Now the man took her on his arms and opened his coat to warm. "You will go with me? - He asked and gently scratched Doss behind the ear. "And let's take it," the voice of Stalins heard the motley, "you are still in traffic, and the animals do not like to remain alone." Mark Livenon raised his eyes and caught something barely familiar in the appearance of the elder, but touched and energetic woman. Misder freckles and dark hair - a rare combination. Himself not wanting, the musician asked hopefully: "Can I visit the cat?" And having received an affirmative answer, blushed like a boy.

The next day, in the news on the local TV channel showed the opening of the love swings. And, of course, they said that they help to meet their half. By the end of the week, ribbons and castles were noticeably added on the swing. Single ladies of all ages, and sometimes even representatives of a strong floor under the cover of the night came to the swings, begging the fate to give them a chance to find their half.

After February 14, Dusi's diary was replenished with another note. "A long-pretty white car, decorated with ribbons and lights, arrived in our yard. On the roof it was two golden mug. A princess came out of the car in a white ballroom dress and sat on a swing. The guy (apparently, her Page) a little princess shook. Then she put a huge bouquet of red roses on the seat of a swing, sat in a long car and left for their business. Adults threw her candy, cereals and brilliant coins. "

I did this record, sitting in my own kitchen. The arrival of the wedding corteage she watched the window of Stalin Vikentyevna. Now the cat was fed on the clock, fragraded Zooshampune and sometimes as a promotion allowed the hostess to take her on his hands.

Read the previous chapter of the book here.

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