What affects the preservation of permanent and its resistance


Recently, the popularity of permanent makeup is only increasing. Agree, what can be more convenient for a woman? Permanent makeup saves any representative of the beautiful sex of time and strength. First, you can always sleep with him, because it is not necessary to get up for an hour and a half before to draw arrows (and this is not always the first time), put the shadows, etc. The second moment - during the day you always Looking for fulfillment: no need to correct. The third - saves time in the evening: contamination is removed quickly, this is not spent extranexes and efforts. And even after washing, you look great!

Despite the fact that the tattoo is not washed off with water or special means for removing makeup, it is still not eternal. What depends on the duration and preservation of the brightness of permanent makeup?

The intensity of the tattoo depends on the set of factors. For example, on the eyebrows permanent makeup in a good (coarse) form 1-1.5 years, at best, 2 years. After this time, it is necessary to make a correction to maintain the desired effect and extending the service life of permanent makeup. On the lips, the tattoo is held on average from 3 to 5 years, and this is entirely and fully aching a thinner skin in this area and the presence of mucous membranes. On centuries, the duration of permanent makeup depends on the pigment that the master used. If a pigment is used on iron oxide, it will hold on to 1-2 years. The use of pigment based on black carbon (the so-called, Carbon Black) increases the service life of permanent makeup on centuries from 10 years before life wearing.

Application technique affects the subsequent resistance of permanent makeup. The more transparent pigment, the less tattoo will hold. A denser pigment holds longer. A simple example: popular today powder sputtering eyebrows or eyebrows in the art technique will wash out faster than eyebrows, which were drawn in the technique of hair tattoo or in Eastern technique.

Pigment color - Another factor indicating in favor of the long-term permanent makeup. The following pattern is traced here: the darker the color of the tattoo, the longer he will delight his mistress.

Type of skin - At the owner of dry skin, permanent makeup holds much longer than that of the beautiful sex representatives with a fatty skin type. And the reason here lies in the fact that the oily skin is porous and faster brings the pigment.

Tan , oddly enough, has a positive effect on the duration of the tattoo, allowing him to hold longer. The tan does not wash the tattoo. Sometimes, after a long stay in the sun, girls seem that permanent makeup became lighter - this is an erroneous opinion. This impression is created due to the dark shade of the skin, but you do not need to worry about your makeup. Tan, on the contrary, seals permanent makeup for a longer period of time. And this is one of the tricks to preserve the beauty longer.

Metabolism - Individual features of the body have a direct impact on the duration of permanent makeup. It can be said that metabolism, hormonal background, the presence of chronic diseases can cause a resort to the correction of the tattooer earlier than you planned. Everything is individually, and when we talk about some numbers, we mean first of all the average meanings. Perhaps you have an eyebrow tattoo without correction will last longer than that period that was listed above, and it will be the merit of your body. But it may well be that you will get into average values.

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