How to help the child with the lessons


As soon as the child went to school, make a work and rest with him. For example, after returning from school, he has an hour or another to rest, then you need to start performing homework. The mode must be strictly observed. Your task is to turn the performance of lessons into a daily ritual. If a child for some reason did not have time to do his homework, you do not need to do this task for it. Wake up the student early in the morning and remind you of "tails".

Rail a responsible attitude towards studying in the child.

Do not sit with the child every time he does lessons. Do not create a feeling that you are always there, within walking distance in order to solve all his problems. On the contrary, encourage independence. For example, before your return home, he must do all objects or at least those that do not require help.

Marianna Abavitova

Marianna Abavitova

Do not learn for the child. Of course, you better draw wands and circles, consider examples and perform all the tasks for the "surrounding world." But the goal of learning in school is to teach a child to do it all on their own. If the child arises difficulties, try to help him with advice, and not affairs. Learn to ask leading questions so that the child will come to the truth independently.

Listen to teachers - they give important advice. Especially when it comes to elementary school. Feel free to ask questions, interest how the child works in the lesson, with whom he communicates how friendly class. The situation in the classroom, the attitude of the teacher, the availability of friends - all this affects how the child behaves, with what pleasure is attended by school, as in the end it is studying. No less important to the contact of the child with the teacher. Neither a word nor do not undermine the authority of the class teacher. Lessons are made because they asked the teacher. You must be in a bundle with the class teacher. Therefore, no smirklok in the direction of teachers, follow your speech, do not tell what should not.

Do not shout on the child. It seems to us that it is not understood here - everything is simple: 2 + 2 = 4. But the child does not understand. You begin to be angry, and went, went. The child did not understand anything before, and even after you raised his voice on him, he fees stress. Think about whether you have pedagogical abilities. You can always hire a qualified tutor, which will really help your beloved chad.

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