8 myths about milk: drink or not drink


For some people, milk is the main product in the diet, the other fiercely protest, arguing that one harm from milk, and people after thirty cannot even look in the direction of the dairy shelves in the store, as in adulthood, in their opinion, milk is not Carry nothing but harm. So where lies the truth?

Myth 1. Eating a glass of milk per day contributes to maintaining a sufficient level of calcium in the body

The fact that milk is one of the main sources of calcium, perhaps everything. Especially important calcium becomes for pregnant women, since the daily rate of calcium during pregnancy increases almost twice. But the milk is far from the only product containing calcium in large quantities. These products include: Vegetables, nuts, cereals, as well as red meat, liver and bird. Let's go back to Moloka. To support the optimal amount of calcium in the body, you need to drink milk non-stop - about five glasses per day. In the usual life, a person doesn't drink so much, which means that this trace element is needed by drinking and other products.

Milk - the main source of calcium

Milk - the main source of calcium

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Myth 2. It is best to get calcium not just from milk, but from cottage cheese, cheese and fermented milk products

Despite all its benefits, calcium is quite difficult to assimilate in the body without assistance. Not only is our body gets calcium from products whose connections are difficult to split, so even in the process of digestion, calcium can be dissolved at all. Remember that the best "friend" calcium - protein. If you get a little protein, then be sure that calcium is not too well absorbed in your body. Therefore, in this case, the myth becomes reality: indeed, due to the high content of the protein in cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt, calcium is absorbed much better and faster.

Myth 3. Milk does not benefit an adult person

It is believed that milk is useful only for its main consumers - children. However, this is not quite true. As scientists found out, people who use natural milk, as well as natural oil, are less likely to suffer from diseases of the immune system. In addition, milk is necessary to elderly people who suffer from diseases that increase bone fragility.

Be careful with natural milk

Be careful with natural milk

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Myth 4. Due to the often use of milk, you can gain weight

Usually this theory adhere to supporters of diets eliminating milk. But the point is that the problem is not in the milk itself, but in the level of fatty. Of course, if you feed in fat sour cream and margarine, after some time you will inevitably get better for a tens of kilograms. If you buy a bundle of milk in the store with a minimum fatness percentage, you don't threaten overweight. You probably know that people seeking to lose weight, the use of cottage cheese and kefir is shown.

Myth 5. Natural milk is more useful than factory

It would seem, what to argue, naturally, natural is better, but let's figure it out. Milk immediately from under the cow remains suitable for drinking throughout the entire hours (without sterilization), all this time acts disinfecting bacteria from the cow itself. After this time, hazardous bacteria, which can lead to serious disorders begin to multiply in milk. So be careful when you buy natural milk at the farmer: Be sure to boil it. Milk from the plant is no worse than farmers, it is processed at low temperature, so that all useful properties are saved.

Myth 6. If you are allergic to milk, it means that something is wrong with milk

But, you agree, the allergies also happen to other useful products, for example, on honey and nuts, and they spoil much longer. If a person has detected lactose intolerance, this does not mean that milk cannot be used to all people of the same age. In addition, manufacturers offer a wide selection of products that do not contain lactose.

Natural milk is safe only for the first few hours.

Natural milk is safe only for the first few hours.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Myth 7. Pasteurized milk is useful in the same way as sterilized

When milk pasteurize, it is treated at a temperature of 65 degrees no more than half an hour. It turns out that the product is disinfect, but not lost properties. The minus is that it is stored for a short time. Next of it make ferocular products. Sterilization is a more rigid way: most microorganisms are eliminated. This milk is stored longer and does not kiss, instead it becomes bitter after a while.

Myth 8. The milk contains antibiotics

Probably this is the most common myth. Currently, manufacturers use a large arsenal of natural preservatives that allow you to preserve milk. Among other things, every plant has a special laboratory that controls the quality of the product produced.

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