Natalia Gudkov: "My sons are interested in films in which I am not removing"


- Natalia, are you really born on the train?

"Mom was in the seventh month, when a childhood began on the train. She was abandoned in Nizhny Novgorod, and we were born with my brother, while she didn't even know what he was waiting for twins. After that, we were sent home to Moscow, where they registered.

- You were born 20 minutes later Brother Ivan and became an unexpected surprise?

- Yes. (Laughs.) In those years there was no ultrasound - and doctors thought that a very large child grows at Mom.

- Your unexpected appearance somehow affects further life, was you considered a gift for fate?

- Rather, on the contrary. (Laughs.) I struggled with many complexes, realizing that my birth was not waiting. The second is always harder to go. In the case of twins during childbirth, the first becomes the second on the head and repels. Although when Vanya has been fighting at school, I ran and defended him. Screamed: "Do not be sure, this is my brother!" What he said: "Go from here!"

- He, how is the elder, has influenced you?

- It's hard to say ... I dragged him to learn from the Moscow Film School on the multiplier. And it was there that I met the teachers of Olga Nikolaevna Fightsov, Alla Ivanovna Stepanov, who determined my further fate. Thanks to them, I did almost into all theatrical universities of Moscow and chose the MCAT school studio. I am very grateful to my teachers.

- They did not dissuade you from difficult acting fate?

- Disrupted! But it is useless, - while you do not try everything in your skin, you do not accept someone else's experience. I remember how we, students sat at the desks, and teachers were told to us: "Why did you come here? You are crazy! So many actors do not need anyone. Go on accountants to learn. " I then thought they were mocking or joking on us. But years later, when girls boys are suitable for me, who want to enter the theater university, I think - why not need! And on the other hand, I understand, if a person wants, it is difficult to stop him. Everyone must pass their way and draw conclusions.

- And you yourself do not regret what remained in this profession?

- No, I do not regret. Maybe because I had no special options for admission to other universities. After graduation, I planned to submit documents to the textile academy, but for this it was necessary to prepare a huge number of drawings. What would require a year. And I had such a thirst for activity that I easily learned the fastener, verse, prose and went to act in theatrical. In the family, my decision was perceived normally, since we have complete democracy in this regard. It is believed that a person himself should choose his satellite life and work, and otherwise you can consult.

Natalia with the youngest son of the Vova, nephew and wife of Brother, the famous operator Ivan Gudkov. .

Natalia with the youngest son of the Vova, nephew and wife of Brother, the famous operator Ivan Gudkov. .

- You have the same relationship with your brother, as in childhood?

- I hope that the same. We had a difficult period ... But my brother and I loved each other, and love. We are very close, I am glad to vanine successes, he is mine.

- Talk about a mystical connection that exists between twins and twins. Does she really have?

- Nothing mystical in our family does not happen. (Laughs.) But we always know everything about each other.

- Having become a mother of two sons, did you start to understand your parents more?

- When with age, responsibility appears, then you begin to understand the parents more. Different look at their requirements, conflicts. I had such a story with my grandmother. I with my cousin and a dog - sponiel lived with us - I decided to walk along a large circle, and my grandmother lost us. I remember how she came running, screamed, swear, why we left. I was then very offended at her, I did not understand what was to blame, and even left the house. And after many years, a mirror situation happened to my son. My senior, Kolya, left the visibility zone, and at that moment I understood all the feelings and experiences of the grandmother. So everything comes back.

- How do you cope with two boys, and even in constant shooting mode?

- In fact, do not cope. Fair. I am all the time tormented by the feeling of guilt. But somehow I'm trying to balance.

- Does someone help you?

- Projects go with breaks. And so mom helps, I invite the nanny.

- Your older - 15, younger - 5. Both ages are complex. Do you somehow find a common language with them?

- We try to spend as much time as possible together. The older is now transitional age. And we have friction with him. Of course, I worry. That I think that it was incorrectly brought up. That starts to blame himself that he paid too little attention. It seems to me that there were hyperemp and permissiveness. I believe that a man is the person who should give more than to take. And we get so that Kohl does not want anything at all and thinks that Mom will destroy everything for him. And with my younger, I have the opposite: Vova is growing in his hunters. Somehow I asked my spiritual father: "I do not understand how to raise boys, what to do with them?" And he told me two simple things: "In my family, I do not allow Hamit and lie - it's strictly punishable, the rest is about the situation." And I began to stick to these rules. Although I can say about myself that I can not be tough for a long time and consistently. Sons know my slack. (Laughs.)

- Do they look at you on TV?

- Not. I believe that the serials of children are not particularly interesting, and their films are now interested in completely different, in which I am not removing. (Laughs.) Oli's friends know that I actress, but calmly belong to this. It was one time when "Atlantis" went to school - and I started an autograph session. Now everything is more or less calm. Find out, but not so catastrophically for me, because I'm not ready for increased attention.

- What role do you disagree to play?

- Something associated with erotica on the verge. I am not ready that my children or their friends can see me. As well as roles related to religion or church and directed against them, since I am a believer.

- Natalia, we are talking in the first days of spring, when everyone starts to build plans for a warm time. Do you already have ideas?

- In the immediate plans, it includes pumping the press, because for the holidays I somehow relaxed greatly. (Laughs.) Soon the launches of new projects will begin, and I want to finally finally complete my concert program. So there are a lot of plans.

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