How to lose weight quickly in winter: 5 important secrets that some forget about


Drink a lot of water

It is necessary to remember this: how they woke up, in the morning we immediately drink two glasses of warm water on an empty stomach. It is more convenient to cook yourself from the evening a bottle and put next to the bed so that in the morning there was no temptation to get something out of the refrigerator and chew. Remember the magic phrase: "The more you drink water, the more the amount of fat leaves you forever." The entire exchange process occurs in the aquatic environment, and to lose weight, it is very important for us to have good metabolism.

Dense breakfast

Breakfast should be your favorite meal, because it is possible to afford many frills without much harm to the figure! Breakfast, we already accelerate exchange processes in the morning and begin to lose weight. I will open you one secret: in the morning you can and need to eat boiled meat! Then exactly all day you will not have a deceptive feeling of hunger, and it will be easier for you to keep not breaking for extra calories.

Diana Khodakovskaya knows all the secrets of weight loss

Diana Khodakovskaya knows all the secrets of weight loss

Clear Food Reception Schedule

Eat 5, and better 6 times a day. Many still fool themselves hunger, it is completely nothing to do anything and, except for excess stress, does not contribute to weight loss. Fractional food is very useful for health, mood and makes our shape slimmer. My day mode is divided into 3 dense meals and 2 snacks. I know it's hard to choose a useful snack, especially if you have a hard work schedule and you run throughout the day. Just put in the Handborn Avocado. What is needed in winter when fresh vegetables and fruits are practically not found. It is light, does not occupy a lot of space and more useful than a banana, in which there is a lot of sugar, or an apple that is absolutely a feeling of hunger will not quench, in my opinion. I try to scatter with an avocado puree and add some lemon juice for taste.

Physical activity

Movement is a weight loss guarantee. Choose the kind of sport that you like best, it is absolutely not necessary to make yourself get up at 7 am and run on cold, if you really don't have such a habit. I personally do in the morning meditation and perform a set of exercises from yoga. So I smoothly awaken, set up myself and charging the energy for the whole day.

To sleep correctly

Did you know that you can lose weight even at night? I am not kidding. Biological rhythms for the body are as important as proper nutrition and water. Only with a full-fledged sleep, our body is really able to strengthen the fat burning process, because at night about from 23.00 the growth hormone begins. If you really want to bring yourself in shape after holidays, first restore your sleep mode.

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