Time does not heal, but makes anesthesia


Sometimes people are addicted to the interpretation of sleep, to help which without context is extremely not easy. Our today's example is about how a long-term conflict broadcasts through the dream of a dream, sometimes coming to her.

In the matter of our experiences, the time, contrary to the expression, does not treat, but a little anesthetics. Therefore, adults turn into capricious, touchy children, only crossing the threshold of the house. Or spouses, divorced declared years ago, meeting on family holidays, suddenly begin to find out the relationship of many years ago.

The subconscious stored our feelings without limitation and fitness. There are, they do not live, there is no readiness to live, they will not be ready before the appearance of that very readiness. And sometimes to the death of these feelings, because the readiness never appeared.

Sometimes adult people turn into capricious, touchy children

Sometimes adult people turn into capricious, touchy children

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Below is the example of a dream of a dream and its comments to what I saw: "I am leaving my parents home, but suddenly I get a telegram that it is urgent to return back. I come and for some reason I find my childhood in the apartment.

The door opened my dad, extremely surprised that I do here. I tell him that I have things here, and you called me. I go to the apartment and see that there is my son, but he has 18 years old (in his life he is almost twice as older). "

When we talked to her about why, as she thinks, she had a dream, she recalled such an episode from life. She was a favorite of his father, many of her actions in childhood and his youth met with a huge adoption and consent. She gave birth to a daughter, at the birth of which his father responded extremely joyfully, and then his son. And here for the dreaming happened incomprehensible. Her father could not remember the name of the grandson, and when he grew up, began to behave with him extremely strictly, rudely, picky. It came to the fact that his daughter put an ultimatum: again so wandered him, our legs will not be visiting. I must say that the dreamy is very gently loved by his son and in childhood, and now. For her, it was a real shock that the receiving dad did not divide this attachment with it.

So as not to find out the relationship of many years ago, they need to live and let go

So as not to find out the relationship of many years ago, they need to live and let go

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Now let's go back to sleep. The dream is returning to the house of childhood, where, by my fantasy, was so loved by his father. And finds your handsome son there. Perhaps trying to complete his magic thinking to complete the picture to the desired one in which the grandfather lives in harmony with his grandson.

And perhaps, sleep is an attempt to still split a painful experience in the allocation of attention between your favorite men, so that it does not happen, as in a well-known logical task, when the wolf should not be in the same boat with the goat, and the goat - with the cabbage.

The feeling of the buffer and the feeling of forced rupture and refusal from father's love in favor of the maternal love - this may be a difficult choice that has determined fate for 25-30 years ahead. I know that the father of the dreams died a few years ago. And perhaps, now the dream began to dream, including the awareness that this choice does not need to do more in natural reasons.

And also including possible regret and bitterness from what I had to sacrifice your exceptional tie with dad to be a good mother for my son.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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