Catherine Assi: "For the sake of climbing, you have to sacrifice a manicure"


I try to stick to separate food , do not mix carbohydrates with proteins. I have sixteen years so eat, I can not imagine to be otherwise. Another habit is the minimum of salt, which delays water in the body. I do not really like flour, but I love chocolate! No wonder they say that this is a hormone of joy. In general, I think that you can eat everything, you just need to do it in the right amount, not getting fried and oily food.

Once I decided to try a chocolate diet And it was not my best idea. I ate only about chocolate tile a day and saw a lot of coffee. As a result, he was very thin, but violated the metabolism, once even almost fainted! And when it began to eat normally again, the weight immediately returned! So, based on my own experience, I can give advice: do not sit on strict diets, but to eat and play sports regularly. Then you will lose weight gradually, it will not be harmful to the body - and the weight is already hardly returning. And sometimes you need to arrange unloading days. It is very useful! Especially after endless festive feasts on vacation. (Smiles.)

My branded dishes are not the most useful. For example, Lazagna. But sometimes I can prepare a delicious and useful salad. On the set typically quite tasty food. And on the set of "dear crew" fed not only tasty, but also useful. And also have always been useful snacks: carrots, celery, apples, etc.

Recently, the actress began to engage in climbing

Recently, the actress began to engage in climbing


I go to the gym for many years. I am engaged in the gym and swim in the pool. Recently began to engage in climbing. For the first time came on the clodder in the company with brother Alexei. He has long been doing, and I also really liked it! True, sometimes sacrifice manicure. (Smiles.)

Cosmetologist attend regularly , I make light leaving moisturizing procedures. Everything has its time. The main thing is naturalness and moderation. For example, I make light leaving moisturizing procedures. And I would advise with all the girls anti-cellulite massage, but necessarily at the right and experienced specialist! I have no cellulite, but this massage tightens very well and keeps in shape! Also there is a lifehak so that the skin of the face remains always fresh: regularly draw pull-up and moisturizing masks. I basically use professional cosmetics, but my mother Alina Assi is fond of natural recipes, so-called grandmother. Sometimes it gives me to try. Recently, I even loved the gelatin-based masks. And remember: only regular care for itself will help to keep the beauty for a long time, and not according to the principle when you suddenly remembered it.

Dietary pasta

Dietary pasta


Dietary pasta

Products: 200 g of spinach or sheet salad, one and a half cups of seashells or other small macarons of wheat solid varieties, celery stem, half a cup of dried cranberries, canned tangerines, or 5-6 fresh, large green apple, lemon juice, ⅓ cup of pecan nuts (can Replace to walnut, cashew), some feta cheese, 4 tbsp. l. Olive or vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. White wine vinegar, 2-4 tbsp. l. Sugar, paprika to taste, tablespoon of poppy (optional).

Cooking: While macaroni is boiled, prepare sauce. In the kitchen processor or blender mix the oil, apple vinegar, white wine vinegar, sugar, paprika and poppy. You can just put everything into a small jar, close it with a lid and shake well. Drain the water and rinse pasta, immediately add several spoons of refueling so that they are soaked with it taste and aroma. Put pasta to cool in the fridge. Spinach Put in a bowl of the whole (if you use salad - brush it with your hands), add chopped celery, cranberries and tangerines. Apple cut into thin slices, sprinkle with lemon juice and put in a salad. Fill the salad with refueling, mix and only add cold pasta. Pecan nuts can be dried without oil in a pan during a couple of minutes (walnuts are not needed), constantly stirring. Sprinkle salad nuts, decorate the feta crude crude and serve on the table.

Styling hair mask

It greatly strengthens her hair and softens them, feeds hair onions. You will need: liquid honey - 1 tbsp. Spoon, cinnamon - 1 tsp. Mix honey with cinnamon. Apply a mask on your hair, put on the hat, weave your hair with a towel. After 3-4 hours, rinse with warm water.

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