Living stories: "Forgotten dream knocked back to me after so many years."


"I thought about losing weight for a long time. I understood that overweight had a negative impact primarily on my health and well-being, and of course, on your own feeling of attractiveness in the eyes of other people. However, as it often happens, I all set off "for later." Then I will sign out for a nutritionist, then I will find a good fitness and start studying, then I will quote the power regime, which was also far from perfection.

In my childhood I had a dream: I really wanted to learn to swim. Fly, professionally, different styles, perform different styles under water. I often talked about this mom, but she was shuffled: "We have no time with my father, and there is no time to drive you into the pool, and you have a study! Here you will finish a quarter to "excellent", then think about. "

So year passed after year, and nothing changed. Then I grew up, went to another city, entered the institute, and there really did not have time to swim, because it was very difficult to learn. Yes, and "adult life" skiddled - not to children's desires.

And so, when I have already become an adult woman about forty, built a career and got a family, my forgotten dream knocked back to me in the form of a friend, which at that time with all truths and untrue tried to reset 10 kg. The day nor passed so that she did not find any new ways to lose weight. Usually, I all listened to all this, because, honestly, somehow I did not inspire me starvation, "Drying" of the body, etc.

However, at that time she managed to interest me - yes so that we began to do together. The girlfriend has read the study of scientists in which they proved that swimming in combination with a diet helps to lose weight. An indisputable advantage in choosing such a way of weight loss compared, for example, with the same power sport or running the lack of load on the joints and the spine becomes. In addition, swimming develops strength, endurance and flexibility.

It was perfect for me. I was happy that finally, after so many years I will do what I like, and even lose weight at the same time! For a short time, thinking we signed up in the pool and started classes, after pre-making their plan together with the coach. To begin with, I needed a warm-up, then testing movements, after the most difficult - interval training (sprint by 50 m, several approaches), and completion - 200 m of calm swimming.

I learned to swim in several ways: Brass, Coll, on the back, butterfly. For 3.5 months I dropped 7 kg, girlfriend - 6. The relatives were glad that classes simultaneously bring me great pleasure and favor. They noticed how I changed - and internally, including, they said that I began to look more healthy, young cheerful. The same "light" appeared in the eyes, energy.

And I liked it so much that I was discarded on individual classes with a coach, I want to get closer to the level of professional swimmers at least a little. It can be said that it became my hobby, my invented, because when I do, I feel absolutely happy! " - Shared his own history Olga from Smolensk.

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