How to do everything to keep my husband's mistress


Suppose we were in the parallel world, and you want your husband to start your mistress.

As you know, each of our actions have consequences, because of which we find yourself in a particular situation. We offer you a text from the category of "harmful councils", it will help you take a look from the right to your actions and show what these actions can lead.

Let's start, how to do and what to do so that the husband starts to look around on the parties in search of a new woman?

Dedicate yourself to the Economy

Dedicate yourself to the Economy


1. Check out as much as possible and pay a man as much attention as possible.

Constantly in a state of fatigue and stress. Of course, you are just doing what we retire, cook, erase, watch out children. Where did you get time on vacation? In no case can you learn about friends who allegedly you need rest, keep up the good work: Get out with a double force, clean each corner of the apartment, prepare dinner on a dozen man and avoid your husband as you can. The main thing is to get tired, but in no case let's take a while on vacation.

Your main goal is to prove to everyone, besides yourself that you took place as a mother and hostess. What is the difference that a husband thinks there! He is not even able to appreciate all your work and how carefully you scrape the tile in the bathroom. Your daily plan: to work all day, come home and get up behind the stove, and then you can sleep. Maybe the husband is somewhere there, in the area of ​​the bedroom, will be.

2. To fatigue, you can add victim syndrome

It's not enough to tire yourself, tell about it to friends and native, thereby tiring them psychologically. And how else to pay attention to your work? Tell us about your husband who does not notice how you try to him, gifts do not, there is no compliments, and it does not admire the fact that the husbands are girlfriends.

In addition to complaints, be sure to compare your man with your husband friends, girlfriends, media personnel and do not forget to remind him as much as possible. While it does not have a house, make it, how exactly you will talk to him. Try to criticize it at any convenient case.

Do not make makeup

Do not make makeup


3. Drop your self-esteem as low as possible.

The lower your self-esteem, the more likely you have a chance to send a husband into an embrace of another woman. Look at the mirror with an interval in half an hour, outraged out loud, as you are not lucky with appearance, comment on the smallest shortcomings that will find, and be sure to do it in the presence of a husband. Please contact that neither makeup nor a fitness center will not help.

And all your family history suggests that happiness is not yours. After all, your relatives from different generations were also unhappy in marriage. Do not even try to think that your case can be different from the experience of your grandmothers.

4. Thick care of yourself

In women who monitor, much more chances to become the object of desire for their own husband, and in general, to solve many problems with self-esteem. Therefore, forget about makeup and perfectly sitting clothes. You do not need this attention. If the husband needs an attractive woman so much, let him look elsewhere, you will definitely not go to such victims as the application of makeup in the sense of time that could be spent on washing on the second round.

Keep as many secrets as possible from a man

Keep as many secrets as possible from a man


5. Hide as much as possible from your man.

Do not even think to open a man, he might think that you are an honest and open woman, and, on God forbid, trust him. Even if he is interested in your hobbies, send it away and continue to be silent, keeping everything in yourself.

Never ask him for help, suddenly he will like it, and he will decide to do it always. Always do everything yourself: take the garbage, give yourself gifts, take it on vacation, etc. Do not achieve this anyway.

As you already understood, it was the best ways to send your man to bed to another woman. Read carefully and never repeat.

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