Live stories: "I will not allow the other person to destroy me"


New day - time for a new story. Today, we shared with us by Tatiana, who became the victim of the complexes of her husband.

"Good, but not quite ..." This phrase pursued me throughout my first marriage with a person, whom I then, being young and naive, just idle and did not doubt his words.

We met at the institute, he was not the first handsome at the faculty, but there were no problems with the search for the second half, unlike me, the student-head-old groups of the group were soremented. At about the third year, we were brought closer to the topics of the coursework and the general scientific leader, at that time he seemed to be noticed for the first time, even though we were crossed in class almost every day. I do not know how it happened, but by the end of the institute we were already going to get married. I can not say that he really wanted it, rather, succumbed to the influence of friends around - all married, got married, he also decided not to pull and literally the next day after the release made me a sentence. To say that I was on the seventh heaven from happiness, not to say anything, then it seemed to me that there could be no better option. However, my euphoria began to gradually dissolve as smoke in the first months of our marriage. My chosen one began to make me trifling, but rather suicide comments: "Tan, did you always have such ugly ears? I did not notice ... "," Look, Sashkin's wife walks on a massage, you would go to her for a couple of sessions "and everything in such a spirit. My and so "lying" self-esteem crawled under the plinth. I started looking for all the new drawbacks even before I inflame my husband, and, would not believe it, let them confirm their presence. From an open and cheerful girl, I turned into a nervous and anxious woman, stress began to affect my appearance: it began to spit the skin and symptoms of psychosomatic disorders appeared.

If the problem does not give live a full life, do not pull a visit to the specialist

If the problem does not give live a full life, do not pull a visit to the specialist


Six months after the wedding, I came to visit my mother and did not recognize me - the constant tension was expressed so much and the desire to please her husband. Of course, I complained to her own imperfection. Mom did not even understand what I was talking about, but I realized that I was simply impossible to leave me in such a state, and therefore I insisted on a visit to the psychologist, from whom I was delayed for a year and a half. Gradually, I began to realize that the disadvantages were "covered", not me, and my beloved husband, who, as a specialist explained to me, was played out his own dissatisfaction with life on the most close person - on me. My way to accept myself was unprecedented, but I found the strength to say goodbye to a person who destroyed me from the inside. Now I am open to the world and new relationships and never let me make discomfort, because I love myself, and this is the main thing. "

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