Fractional food: good or bad


In recent years, frequent food intake in small portions has become almost synonymous with proper nutrition. From everywhere we are told that to achieve and maintain normal weight, as well as diabetes prevention, it is necessary to eat every three hours, not allowing sharp jumps of blood sugar levels and a sharp feeling of hunger.

Of course, it is not possible to eat in a similar way, because most of the work is possible only one lunch break. Often, forced by ignoring the recommendations of nutritionists, we feel guilt in front of yourself for insufficient care of your own body. But is it really bad in fact?

Several clinical studies were conducted, which confirmed that during fractional nutrition, the amount of blood sugar is at a stable level. But since feelings of hunger does not occur, this level is quite high. This leads to glucose tolerance and provokes the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, although frequent food intakes were called to protect it.

An experiment in which two groups of people participated, one of which tightly elaborated twice a day, and the second had six easy meals, showed interesting results. In the first group there was a decrease in the weight of the observed and improved tests. Whereas in the second - the number of people with obesity and diabetes grew.

Thus, the traditional three-time nutrition can be considered at least no less useful for the body than five to six time. Perhaps it is the food for a breakfast dinner-dinner that is the best option for a person.

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