What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist?


Thin waist Lily James caused a lot of disputes. Some even suspected the authors of the film in herbs, assuring that they used computer graphics to achieve this effect. However, the 26-year-old actress itself explains that it is all about its constitution. "I'm from nature slim. And I have good health, I do not suffer from food disorders, "says James. "Besides, I wore a very tight corset on the site, which also got a few centimeters on my waist." At the same time, the actress admits that during the filming, she had to limit his nutrition with one tea. "In the corset, I could not have anything, because I was afraid that the food would just get out of me out. Yes, and after the filming, I had to follow the fact that I eat, and do not overeat, otherwise the next day I just could not wear a dress. "

On the protection of the actress also stood up Richard Madden, the executor of the role of the prince. "I hugged Lily and could firmly say that this is her real waist. She is really quite thin, - explains the actor. - And, I assure you, in life Lily is good and eats a lot! It just has such a constitution that allows it not to get fat. " The director of the painting Kenneth Brahn also denies the use of computer graphics to create a thinner waist of Cinderella. "This effect was achieved with the help of a corset and specially exhibited light," the rumors of Brana simply commented.

Unfortunately, the amount of waist Lily James remained not known.

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_1

Nicole Kidman. Frame from the film "Moulin Rouge".

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman during the filming of the film "Moulin Rouge" (2001) twice broke his edge. "Somehow at night I rehearsed the dance in high heels and fell from the stairs. As a result, he received a fracture of the rib, "the actress told. - And a little later, I broke the same edge again. I wanted my waist to be like Vivien Lee in the "gone by the wind" - 46 centimeters. Therefore, I asked the costume screen to tighten the corset to me. "The tight, the tight!" - I screamed. And in the end I received a fracture again. "

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_2

Megan Fox. Frame from the film "John Hex".

Megan Fox

Before childbirth, Megan Fox Talia was 53 centimeters. However, on the set of the film "John Hex" (2010), the Talia actresses were pulled by a corset to 46 centimeters. And only at the time of filming the action-scenes, the costumes made a lacing a little weaker that Megan could breathe normally. "I was very uncomfortable in the corset," confessed after Fox. "But without him no better: deep dents remained deeply and the ribs were very sick."

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_3

Keira Knightley. Frame from the film "Duchess".

Keira Knightley

For his career, Keira Knightley, destroyed historical costumes. And corsets too. However, this detail of the lady's wardrobe did not at all like the actress. "The corset for my heroine was done in accordance with the corsets of the XVIII century. And this is just a nightmare! - Kira told Kira on the filming of the film "Duchess" (2008). - Although, I suspect, women in those days launched still tightly. I just told the costumes: "I will have to be filmed for 16 hours in a row. I want to breathe at least sometimes. " And they were part of my position. But now I understand why women of that era constantly fainted. "

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_4

Charlize Theron. Frame from the film "Snow White and Hunter".

Charlize Theron

Talking about the filming of the film "Snow White and Hunter" (2012), Charlize Theron called the scene of marriage with the king Magnus the most difficult. And all due to the fact that the actress with difficulty moved at that moment. "I was tight corset on me. And I was so in it it is inconvenient that before the altar I barely precedred, trying not to fall. I could not think about anything else, except that I was crushed as quickly, "the movie star complained.

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_5

Rachel Makadams. Frame from the film "Sherlock Holmes".

Rachel Makadams

Rachel Makadams, filming as Irene Adler in the film "Sherlock Holmes" (2009), then the business tormented to deceive the costumes. The actress, who did not want her corset tightly tighten, either in the morning very tightly breakfast, or simply protruded the stomach during the lacing. Sometimes the focuses of the movie star were triggered, and then Rachel could breathe calmly during filming. But often experienced costumes recognized the trick of the actress and the descent did not give to her.

What stars are ready for the sake of a thin waist? 42184_6

Kate Beckinsale. Frame from the movie "Van Helsing".

Kate Beckinsayyl

Kate Beckinsale has repeatedly admitted that the work on the film "Van Helsing" (2004) brought her great pleasure. And only one moment spoiled the whole picture. This corset, which she was forced to wear through almost all filming, including complex action scenes. After the filming of filming, Kate even asked to give her a corset so that she could burn it. But costumes actress refused.

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