Learning abroad: Is it worth the formation of spent money


Going to study abroad, you need to understand that this pleasure is not cheap. Even if you win a grant for training and coverage for accommodation costs, in many countries there is not enough for a comfortable living condition. So it is impossible to compare prices in the Czech Republic and Sweden - they will differ 2-3 times towards the last country. Similarly, it is worth considering the standard of living in different states of America, much less popular to send children to study - in New York and Vermont prices will also be different. Considers the main differences between foreign universities from the Russian.

Need to look at the direction

If your child has decided on a future profession, browse the ranking of universities - they are open on the Internet. So medical universities of the capital will be no worse than foreign, whereas in a business school is still better to go to Europe due to lack of practical education in Russia. For training it is worth considering not only the capital, but also less large cities. So in Belgium, for example, many foreign students learn not in Brussels, but in Ghent - this is a small town in a couple of hours drive away from the capital. Compared in the metropolis, there will be more pleasant prices.

Examine university ratings

Examine university ratings

Photo: unsplash.com.

Look at the child

There are children who love to learn and conscientiously belong to classes, and there are those who drive abroad only for the sake of parties. In exemplary European universities, it is serious: no one will pull your child for the ears when it is bad to prepare for the session. Equality is one of the basics of university education. At the same time, there are universities, literally created for foreigners: for admission you need to know the language in the middle level, and the classes themselves will not take more than half of the day. We advise such educational institutions to beware - on issuance to the labor market, the diploma of such a university will not be compared with those where they are studying for conscience.

Rate your opportunity

Yes, many parents dream of seeing a diploma with honors from the German or Swiss University, completely forgetting what standard of living in this country. The current epidemic has shown that in emergency situations, students should rely only on themselves - many payments for scholarships and grants they detained due to the transition of officials for remote work. Families with average income worth not to be in the clouds, but to sit down and think if you have half a year of ensuring a child in someone else's country or he will have to argue himself in the means.

Student will have to spend behind the books not one evening

Student will have to spend behind the books not one evening

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not forget about the prospects

Government of countries gradually introduces important amendments to the laws on migrants remaining in the country after study. So since last year in the UK, a graduate has the right to stay for another two years to find a job and strengthen his material state. Such measures become excellent to people who do not have influential connections abroad. Examine the laws of different countries and the capabilities of learning programs to make the right choice.

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