How to raise a child confident


Even if the couple still do not have children, they are already thinking about how to bring them up. After the child appears, at least four years should begin to develop confidence in it.

It all depends, first of all, from the identity of the child, because the same method will have a different effect on different children. Another important factor is confidence in their parents. For the child, the experience of parents and how they behave in one situation or another.

Find out what you are interested in your baby

Find out what you are interested in your baby


Basic approaches to education

Each parent is striving to raise a child confident in his abilities so that in adulthood he used this resource to achieve success.

The most optimal age for the start of the education is pre-school. This is the period when the child begins to face the first difficulties.

It is known that boys and girls develop at different speeds. Yes, and their approach is different.

The main difficulties that preschooler may face, it is:

Fear remain alone

If you leave a child in bed with you from your infancy, you may have problems in the future, since he needs to go through the process of self-identification, separated from the parents. If this is not done, the child in any situation in which the mother will not be present will feel insecure.

Do not compare it with other children

Do not compare it with other children


Establish contact with your peers

Children are usually very zealous to other children's successes. In part, this problem arises in the family when parents are too much pushing the child to new accomplishments. He always says that he should be if not first, then at least not the last one, otherwise he is worthless. Be sure that with this approach, the child will simply climb into himself, and without the help of a specialist you can no longer do. Explain to the child that he will not always be the first, and that it does not matter for you, what place he took at the citywide competition - because it will always be in the first place for you.

Too strong guardianship and child control

It is important for the child to learn independence at an early age. Just think what your baby will make, when will one on one with a team in kindergarten or at school? Therefore, try to give the child more freedom of self-expression.

Let the child know that he is the best for you

Let the child know that he is the best for you


Ban parents for decision making

The child must know from childhood that he has the right to choose. Let at an early age choosing a small, nevertheless it is. Only in this case the child will understand its significance.

The desire to justify the expectations of parents

Some parents are participating in only them one understandable race with other parents, and children suffer in this situation, who simply cannot be the same fast / smart / beautiful as neighboring Vasya. For children, your rivalry with other adults is absolutely no sense, it only seems that if adults are unhappy, it means that they do not like them. From here develops neurosis and mental disorders.

How to help the child

Start with yourself. Are you sure of yourself? If not, then your child will have difficulty in building self.

Try more to praise and criticize the child on trifles.

Give more freedom so that the child can develop independence

Track what is interesting to the child, and direct its energy in the right direction.

Respect your child. Let him still do not boast of significant achievements, he still deserves your attention and respect.

Confident child is correct and harmoniously develops, forms the necessary quality for life. In your power to help him.

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