How to distinguish a good mistress from "Sneaks": the first thing you look at


Sometimes guests come to the most unexpected moment. You are in a hurry to the table and you can forget about the trifles that will immediately rush to those who enter your home. We tell what to pay attention to:

Nasty smell

The first thing that any person will pay attention is an unpleasant smell in the apartment. The reason for it can be anything - from a cloth in sewage to the "leaking" refrigerator. If for you, permanent "inhabitant" at home, he can become familiar, then the guest will definitely not leave him without attention. To avoid such a problem, we advise you to install automatic air fresheners in the hallway and toilet, as well as put aromatic sachets in the cabinets.

Freshener will save from unpleasant odor

Freshener will save from unpleasant odor


Dirty floor

Passed into the room in shoes, accidentally shed juice and forgot to wipe - the reasons may be many. It is difficult to maintain the cleanliness of the floor, especially if there are small children in the house, which are still lying to scatter something or pour. A robot vacuum cleaner will be the right assistant: it will clean the floor less than an hour. You will be left to wipe it with a damp cloth moistened in the detergent.

The assistant will be a robot vacuum cleaner

The assistant will be a robot vacuum cleaner


Prints on mirrors

Curious children consider themselves in the mirror with interest - as a result, fingerprints remain fingerprints that are not so easy to erase. Do not forget to regularly wipe the mirrors with a cleaning agent and polish with a dry cloth so that there are no divorces.


It is difficult to present a house without indoor plants. However, we all often forget to care for them - water, cut off dry sheets and flowers. To help you advise you to buy inexpensive devices - automatic watering for colors. They are installed in a pot, water is poured into the reservoir, which is gradually poured into the soil.

Buy automatic watering devices

Buy automatic watering devices


Dinner table

Do not forget to update the tablecloth and napkins on the table, especially if your households love to do sandwiches right on the table. Take the rule: after each meal, wipe the table with a damp cloth, removing contaminants and the breadless crumbs. Then the dining table will always be clean.

Wipe the table after each meal

Wipe the table after each meal



Some hostesses forget regularly wash the toilet, so the bezel is often dirty. Pour the cleaning agent and leave it for 10-15 minutes while you are cleaning in other rooms. Then wipe the surface of the brush and wash the water.

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