February - the time of global events


"February 2019," says Alexander Litvin, "will differ in the globality of events affecting millions of people. It is this month that prerequisites for political changes, which are destined to have a huge impact on many countries of the world, primarily for the UK and China. Taking into account the scale and geopolitical importance of these states, it is a logical question: to draw on this time and wait for the fog, or, on the contrary, take active steps? Answer one: wait! And wait for April.

The famous surcharge reads: Best Protection - Attack. By and large, this loose phrase can boldly become the motto of the month. With one reservation: whether the war will be valid for which you plan to attack. The manifestation of aggression for the sake of aggression is a conscious destruction of his personal happiness in the future, that is, happiness of their descendants. So the main task of February is to keep your emotions under control, making diplomacy with its main weapon.

Partnership and Relationship (Family, Love)

In February, relationships will not experience problems if they are honest and equal. If someone in a pair "plays trust and love," February will throw a couple of family scandals to the player. And do not even hope that these conflicts will turn into ordinary quarrels that themselves, without negotiation, will be settled. By the way, the most dangerous way to communicate in February is silence. It will be regarded as an attempt to conceal information. Any inactiveness will be interpreted negatively, and even the most good, but unspoken intentions, can lead to the collapse of relations. February 2019 is the time when the married couple is glittered on the corner of the room, making a lot of excessive effort to achieve the perfect surface. February requires the voltage of all forces aimed at partnership in all respects.

In the relationship everything will be fine if they are honest and equal

In the relationship everything will be fine if they are honest and equal

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


There is a time when children will experience non-displacement emotions. Many will become older in one night, but the lack of experience and emotional heat will not allow children to keep the situation under control. In this regard, the task of adults is to keep children from errors and radical, sometimes fatal, steps associated with alleged misunderstanding. Create conditions for your children in which they will be better than on the street, limit your comfort for the comfort of the heirs.


It will be fine at work, if you, of course, are not the boss, to put it mildly, incompetent in his business. Subordinates in February feels very acute, whose place is occupied by such managers. They will not sabotage work, and they will be simply dismissed. First, of course, the strongest and competent will go away, and not those who love and know how to create the appearance of work. February 2019 is a very dangerous time for losing frames and the best time to hire the work of intelligent employees who left the previous work due to the conflict with the leadership.

February 2019 - Very dangerous time for losing frames

February 2019 - Very dangerous time for losing frames

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


First of all, February will celebrate those who do not instill with flu. The agenda will come to King and chickenpox, those who have a keen on the history of the lisha, "registered" special control, the probability of exacerbation is very high. Diabetes will give the first visible manifestations. By the way, diabetes will create problems throughout 2019, and special alertness in relation to this disease should be. If you can, avoid mass events and will be very seriously attributed to the home microclimate. Air ventilation, air humidification up to 55-60% and temperature not higher than +22 degrees, water treatments and walks in the fresh air under the creaking of snow will contribute to improved immunity. Special control from loved ones require people with an unstable psyche. From these vulnerable people, the manifestations of unmotivated aggression take place.


February will favor travelers and travel, heading in the northwestern and western directions from the place of birth. A business trips aimed at expanding spheres of influence will be especially successful. Journey to the mountains, ascent and ski hobbies in this February are better not to plan. If you go to the southern latitudes, in countries where at this time of the year positive temperatures and there are no snow, plan a return not earlier than on March 5th. People born in January, February and May are better in the mountains, and just not going to long-range trips.

Add porridge to your diet

Add porridge to your diet

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


February of February will be aimed at reducing anxiety, which will be provoked by the rise of intuitive perception. Therefore, porridge for dinner periodically should appear in the diet. However, this diet is not suitable for those from whom the rates of reactions are required when managing various vehicles.


February is the coldest month of the year. It will be reasonable to prepare your home to strong cold, even if the weather forecasters do not predict them in your areas. Communal services need to be prepared for emergency liquidations of accidents on heat generation and heat generation facilities. It is very important in private houses having oven heating, install carbon monoxide and fire sensors. When moving through the streets, pay attention to the roofs of buildings, in this February, avalanche in the mountains and the gathering of snow and ice from the roofs will give a lot of reasons for excitement.


February money is small, but since the first place is true values ​​- love and devotion - the lack of money will not significantly affect the situation.

Good luck smile to those who try themselves in the epistolary genre

Good luck smile to those who try themselves in the epistolary genre

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Despite the fact that February 2019 carries a sufficiently large number of aggression, there are spheres that will be very good to develop throughout the year if their start will have to this short month. First of all, luck will smile to those who try themselves in the epistolary genre. Born in the years that end 0.1, 6.7, 8 and 9, it is better to print on a computer or on a typewriter, born in the years, ending at 2,3,4 and 5 - it is better to write in the old way - pen or handle. A good start awaits those who decide to create a business associated with book publishing and typography, wood processing, especially the creators and designers of furniture and those who are engaged in clothing design. The task of designers is to solve the main trends of the future period. Color, geometry, style. February is perfectly promoted.

Acquisition of February

First of all, in February, it is good to acquire all-weather off-road transport that provides comfort in any conditions. Weapons purchased in February will always be ready for battle, born in February Puppy will be a true friend and a defender of the house, but provided that he will not live in a city apartment. The best gifts for men will be the so-called tools for survival and creating comfort in the absence of civilization. It may be a tent, and the furnace to it, as well as the tools and accessories necessary in the fields and forests. "

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