Why did my child disappear in a dream?


As soon as the woman becomes a mother, she is begun to chase alarm, catastrophic fantasies and fears for the life and health of the child ... It would seem, live yes rejoice in your motherhood, but anxiety is a corroded feeling. Therefore, it penetrates into the depths of the subconscious, and if during the day it is possible not to hear her, doing business, at night, in the absence of control through dreams, she seeps into consciousness.

I will give an example of a dream of one readers, Moms of a Little Girl.

"That's the story I dreamed. I am in my childhood house, in Khrushchev with a dark entrance, in a small apartment. I leave in the corridor my sleepy daughter in a stroller on a staircase, and myself I go to the apartment to do some things. After some time, I go to the platform, and there is no child in a wheelchair, I am horrified by the scene of violence, the death of a child and shout ... I wake up. "

Agree that any woman will work out of such sleep. This can be considered a real nightmare.

At the same time, we will help our dreams to discover the very symbols of sleep, to better understand its hints.

So, she sees himself in the childhood house. Contrary to the problem of the stereotype that childhood is solid happiness, most psychological theories have proven the opposite. For about 7 years, our psyche is most vulnerable and raised for various traumatic experiences. This happens, because many things the child can not yet explain to themselves, and the cause of events sees itself. Examples Weight: Do not come to pick up the garden on time - I am guilty. They left for the summer with an unloved grandmother - I'm punished, they do not want me. Dad is divorced with mom - because I behaved myself and was born in general. And this happens in the most loving and prosperous families. And what can we talk about families where children beat, they mock them, they suffer deprivation, humiliation, violence of any kind. Then survival mechanisms help the child cope with those events and feelings, usually by displacing them in the depths of the subconscious. Therefore, many do not remember their childhood. The earliest events in memory are graduation at school, for example.

Let's go back to sleep heroine. She is in the gloomy setting of childhood, is occupied by his affairs. In other words, she is incompatible now for her daughter, her memories are clogged with their own difficulties in childhood, so she needs to leave the girl. While she is trying to solve unfinished things from orphanage, her daughter disappears. Moreover, most likely, the renidica transfers his fears and horrors on her daughter, because they see the scenes of violence.

There are no visible threats or obvious enemies in a dream. Most likely, the dream of a heroine about her own fear and horror, worried in childhood, who now again became accessible to her in a dream, when her daughter began to grow up, reminding her of childhood suffering.

There is nothing better now for our dreams, than just give the opportunity to rage with these feelings. The restrained fears will begin to influence the real daughter sooner or later: make it a clear, suspicious, incredulous, doubting in every step. It is precisely because her mother may begin to treat her without an obvious threat from outside. Not knowing what Mom is experiencing, the daughter can simply copy this behavior manner, instead of living freely from these alarms.

And what dreams of you?

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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