Miracle Cropa: What Bulgur is eating


Ishley Kufta

This dish is popular in Armenia and is a cutlet consisting of two layers, or a meat pie, which is necessarily served with lemon.

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef, 250 g Bulhur, 4 bulbs, 1-2 tbsp. Flour, salt, black ground pepper, paprika, 150 g of walnuts, lemon, vegetable oil, greens.

Cooking method: Beef and 2 bulbs skip through a small grid of a meat grinder 2-3 times. For the upper layer, the cutlets take a smaller part of the minced meat and pour into it so much warm boiled water so that the meat mixture becomes a sticky dough. Drink egg, pepper, add a little flour and if necessary water. Mix. Soak Bulgur for an hour in warm water. Floating cereal twisted with a small amount of vegetable oil. Connect with sticky minced meat, mix and remove in the refrigerator for an hour. Prepare a filling (inner layer): Walnuts fry on a dry pan, crushed in a blender. The bulbs are finely cut and fry with most of the minced meat. Add nuts and finely chopped greens. Starting cool and remove in a refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before you form cutlets, pour warm water into a deep bowl and squeeze ½ lemon juice.

Formation of the kitlet: Hands dip in lemon water, take mince with Bulgur and roll ball. In it to make a deepening (something like a bowl or crook) from the middle thickness by the walls. Inside put filling, tamper. Starting a filling with the top layer must turn out to be a cutlet, a form resembling lemon. The size of the kitlet is small. Captured Ishley Cuft to remove in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Boil 2 liters of water, salt. Make minimal fire and omit one cutlet into the water. Cooking in small batches of 5-10 minutes. Serve with greenery and lemon slices. Some sculp keys are roasted on the oil to a golden crust.

Turkish kyzyr.

This salad is prepared from the bull through the small grinding. In the classic option snack wrapped in lettuce leaves.

Ingredients: 2 Tomato, 1 Cucumber, 100 g Bulgur, 1 Red Bulb, 1 Bulgarian Pepper, 1 Lemon, Parsley and Green Bow, 2 Splies of Mint, Salt, Cumin, Black Ground Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes, Thyme, Cinnamon, Tomato Pasta , olive oil.

Cooking method: Bulgur pour a glass of warm water. Cucumber, tomatoes and Bulgarian peppers cut into small cubes. Onions and greens are finely chop. In a separate container, mix 2 tbsp. Tomato paste, salt, pepper, cumin, thyme and cinnamon. Lemon juice to connect with olive oil in proportion 1: 1. Bulgur join with tomato paste with seasonings, gently mix. It is better to make hands in gloves. Add vegetables, onions, greens and lemon oil. Remove for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

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