Airplane, train or car? How to economically get to europe


It is believed that the most convenient way to get to Europe is a plane. Is it so? We will analyze the pros and cons of each way of movement, and the choice is yours.



Fast . Getting to any European country on the plane - the case of a couple of hours. Border control, unlike other ways to move, you can go faster - this is especially important if you are traveling with children.

Economy . If you buy tickets in advance or follow the sale of airlines, the flight will cost inexpensively. To track the cost of the ticket, we recommend using ticket aggregators and groups on social networks - they collect information about all carriers and pose a choice of profitable options.

Travel to any country. By plane, you can go anywhere - if not a direct flight, then with a transfer. While the train and the car can not cross, for example, water space.

Batch tour. If you do not want to plan yourself yourself, refer to the tour operator. In most cases, you will be offered a flight, and in some countries it is advantageous to travel only by the tour - there will be no other option.

Airplane - the most popular type of transport

Airplane - the most popular type of transport



Flight delay . Air transporters can transfer the time of the flight or to cancel it at all, then you will have to buy a new ticket with overpayment.

Loss of baggage . Most tourists refuse luggage insurance, not wanting to overpay for it. In the event of loss, they relies with a small compensation, which is definitely not reimbursed.

Overpayment for weight . Who does not like to bring souvenirs from a holiday? When the airline becomes the airline will make you pay a considerable amount.

High blood pressure . Due to the extremal height in the flight, some people increase the pressure, headaches arise, lays her nose and ears. When flying over long distances, there is a lobby especially noticeable.

Other passengers . Unlike the car and the train, where you can protect from other people, the plane does not imply such an option. Children's crying, drunk adults and so on - only a small list of trouble with which you may encounter.

Restriction on food and drinks . There are special rules according to which it is forbidden to carry liquid in container more than 100 ml and "liquid" food type of cheeses, soups and the like.



The ability to follow the selected route. In the low-developed countries of Europe, tourists often emerge difficulties with movement - to the selected attraction or it is impossible to get to the selected, or travel too expensive.

Traveling the whole family is beneficial for the season. If you did not take care of the purchase of tickets in advance, the acquisition of them in the midst of the season will cost you a round sum. Traveling by car, subject to a complete landing, can be more profitable.

Picturesque views on the way. The autobahn run beyond the boundaries of large cities, so during the trip you can enjoy local landscapes.

Fear of the aircraft. Part of the travelers is afraid to fly on the plane for personal reasons, and does not want to refuse trips.

Ability to spend the night. Often, unforeseen situations happen on trips - the cancellation of the hotel's reservation, vehicle breakdown, etc. In the warm season, overnight in the car practically does not take you inconvenience.

Travel family by car profitable

Travel family by car profitable



Long expectation at the border. The experienced travelers advise to cross the border with Europe through Belarus - the country's legislation provides an item allowing the passage of the border with children to 3 years without a queue. In the opposite case, you will have to spend an average of 1-3 hours in the border zone.

Registration of additional documents. To move outside Russia, you will need international driver's license. Also, difficulties will arise when applying for a visa - you need to provide documents for the machine, the international policy of the OSAGO and the route list.

High cost of gasoline. In most European countries, the average cost of gasoline per liter is about 3 times higher than in Russia. We advise you to fill a full tank in Russia or Belarus - so you can save a little. To calculate exemplary spending on fuel, use a special program that is easy to find on the Internet.

Parking fee and parking. For travel on certain roads in the European Union countries, we charged - use the navigator to get to the place without additional spending.

Ban "Antiradar". You probably know that European fines are high enough. So, for the presence in the Antiradar car you are guaranteed to get a fine of 100 euros right on the border.

The train will help save time to visit interesting places.

The train will help save time to visit interesting places.


A train


Stations are located in the city center. You do not have to additionally spend money on a taxi to get to the right place.

Fast registration. It is enough to present a passport and a ticket to go to your place. Whereas when moving with an airplane, you must first go through passport control.

Big weight luggage. Most trains allowed baggage to 50 kg, which is 2 times higher than the average standards in the aircraft.

No restrictions on food and drinks. You can take on a trip any food and drinks, except for alcohol, thereby saving money on visiting the restaurant's car.

The ability to sleep. If you choose a lying place, you can fully relax and restore forces.

Trains arrive on time. There are rare cases that the trains are canceled or delayed for several hours - only when strikes or accidents. You know the exact time of arrival of the train, no need to come in advance.

Saving time. Many trains are moving at night - during the day you can inspect the sights.


Longer than on the plane. The train makes stops on the way and slower overcomes the distance.

Unlock neighbors. If you drive in a compartment alone, you can get along with dubious people.

Noise. Some people do not tolerate the sound of the wheel knock. Fortunately, the problem exists only in the CIS countries - in Europe, trains move almost silently.

Expensive tickets. Most carriers are monopolists, so they independently establish the fare. Solving the problem - buying tickets in advance.

Long passage of control. At the border, employees, as experienced travelers celebrate, work very slowly. Monitoring documents can be delayed for several hours.

As you can see, in addition to the plane, there are alternative travel options, each of which is good in its own way. Choose a comfortable type of transport for you - and forward, towards adventure!

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