Mariana Spivak: "I didn't even have time to get frightened in Cannes."


"Mariana, you have hidden from all for a long time that you are filming Andrei Zvyagintsev in the film" Nelyubov ". Why?

"I don't know if some kind of superstition." When you want a lot of something, it is always scary that some chance can sigh of good luck. And for some reason, in my life, it always happens in my life: barely someone Lyapnu, then it all breaks through. And this applies not only to the cinema, but also some other life circumstances. But I was not only silent during samples, but already after the filming, I also said nothing to anyone. I did not want to make noise from this. And some of my colleagues from the theater and everyone learned about everything, seeing how we all go on the red carpet in Cannes.

- And relatives?

- Mom, dad and husband, of course, everyone knew. And very worried, supported. The husband knew in general from the very first day, when I was only called for samples, and kept fists for me. Although Anton scenario (Kuznetsov is a movie and theater actor. - Ed.) I did not read and did not know what the film is about, until I looked at him.

- And how did the spouse treat the picture?

- We looked at the movie together at the Cannes Film Festival. And when we came out from the show, everyone began to congratulate, call for a party. And we understand: after watching the party somehow it is very difficult to go, the mood is not at all. What really wants to call home, hug a son. Grisha was not with us, he remained in Moscow with his grandparents. And I went to Anton, sobbed and weave, as we want to go home to my son. Probably, this is the most important and most importantly that the viewer can take out from the hall after watching the picture. We have become even more powerful to appreciate what we have.

Mariana Spivak:

Mariana Spivak in the film Andrei Zvyagintseva "Nelyubov"

Frame from the film "Nelyubov"

- Parents are much sharper perceived all the topics relating to children. How did you miss this story?

- When I read the script, of course, I did not have any doubt that this story should be removed, people should see it, and something like that happened to me with them. This is a very strong thing. And she concerns each, regardless of whether you have children or not. It concerns not only parents - mothers and fathers, but also children so that they think about their parents. And those who want or do not want children to understand: a child is not a dog, but a person you are responsible for. And indeed, as soon as this little man appears, your life does not belong to you. Not a day nor a minute. You live no longer your life, but the life of your child. And it is Dorovo. Love is only more.

- In Cannes, you went with my husband. And why did you not take my son?

- We wanted to go all together. And in dreams, we have painted pictures, as we come in the threesome on the red carpet. After all, Grisha also participated in the filming, he starred in the role of the son of Masha at the end of the film. But then we realized that we would not be able to give enough time to gris, nor all the events. And the husband would not see the movie. Need to say, the presence of Anton greatly facilitated my life. I did not think about some domestic things, for example, where to put a bag. He was always with me, helped in everything, controlled what I could not control in my own confusion. In general, he kept his hand on the pulse. But, of course, we lacked Grisha. It was the first time in his life when we were so long for both of him left. But, thank God, everything cost. He has a wonderful grandparents, her husband's parents. They are incredibly helping us. Grisha loves them very much, and they cope with him just great. With Anton, we work in the same theater, and every time we are leaving for the performance, Grisha remains with them.

Together with the spouse and colleague Anton Kuznetsov Maryan raises the son of Grigory

Together with the spouse and colleague Anton Kuznetsov Maryan raises the son of Grigory

Gennady Avramenko

- And how do you in Cannes?

- It was amazing! I like Cinderella on the ball fell. None of the film festival in life was not. And how everything was organized! Like the queen at the reception. Everything is written in seconds. And I did not even have time to scare over these four days. We were taken everywhere, drove and said what to do. We really did not have a minute free time. Only in the evening after the arrival, it was possible to walk around the city. And on the departure day, we still finally bathed.

- You are from the acting family. Your grandmother - People's Artist of the RSFSR Jeanne Prokhorenko, Grandfather - Filmorezhsor Evgeny Vasilyev, Mom - Actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Father - actor and director Timofey Spivak. Have you always known that you will become an actress?

- There was a moment when I desperately resisted. But this is just teenage maximalism, when you refuse, behave from the obvious, you want to go against what you can feel.

- Your son is only two years old. But he is already removed. Want that Grisha also become an actor?

- I will not interfere. My relatives were very wisely entered, without discarding me and not persuading me. They gave me freedom of choice and the right to make a mistake. Said: If you want to try - try. It turns out - it means that there is no - it means there is no. I had no protection upon admission to the institute. On the course at the Studio School, MHAT, even when I studied, did not everyone know that my parents are artists.

Legendary grandmother Marianana - People's Artist of the RSFSR Jeanne Prokhorenko always supported his granddaughter and believed in her

Legendary grandmother Marianana - People's Artist of the RSFSR Jeanne Prokhorenko always supported his granddaughter and believed in her

Photo: Personal Archive Majana Spivak

- That is, it did not help you and did not bother?

- I studied absolutely on a par with everyone. The fact that in my family artists is not so important as the fact that they are my parents, my loved ones.

- What is the most important advice did they give you?

- It is hard to say. They are all different, and dad, and mom, and grandmother. And everything was different in different ways. But the most important thing is that they always went and goes, this is their support and faith in me. In the fact that I can do that my star will find me. And, it seems to me, she just found me now.

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