Keep your back smoothly: 3 Exercises for perfect posture


To determine the exact reason for the pain in the back, you need to seek the doctor's advice and pass the survey. However, on the household level, the back pain can be explained by three reasons: weak muscles of the press, back and neck. When driving, when the muscles are not in good shape, they are sharply reduced, which leads to a climb of nerve endings and sharp pain. To prevent painful sensations, you need to regularly stretch the muscles in the direction of fibers and warm up each time you have long been in a static position.

Weak muscles cause irregular posture

Weak muscles cause irregular posture


Bone-ending exercise

Poor stretched patent ligaments make you when walking bending your knees, which changes the center of gravity - the belly stretches forward, and the butt back. You become like a chess horse, not a faithful lan. Fix it will help stretching: lean out of the standing position and touch the floor. Use foam rollers to loosen the tension of popliteal tendons, or start stretching with bent knees, gradually straightening the legs when weakening tension in bundles. Try also Massage therapy, which helps to relax the fallen tendons.

Exercise on the iliac lumbar muscle

A group of two muscles located in the upper part of the thigh is called iliopsoas: at a voltage, they provoke a sharp pain in the leg, which is transmitted by the lower back. It is impossible to walk exactly with such pain, so you have to think in advance and strengthen the muscles: sit on the chair and start walking on the spot, raising your knees to the head.

Swing the press and develop a balance sense

Swing the press and develop a balance sense


Strengthening straight abdominal muscles

The press stabilizes the position of our body, forcing the balance to straighten the back and twisted the tailbone forward. Try one of these exercises to strengthen the muscles of the top of the abdomen:

Saransch - Lie the belly on the mat, hands on the sides or under the lower back. Raise your head and shoulders from the rug, then return to the opposite position.

Cat - Roll into the rug on your knees, hips are right above the knees, palm under the shoulders. Raise the left foot and the right hand, balancing on the opposite hand and knee. Keep this position on the account five. Then switch to the opposite direction.

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