Anna Peskov: "I do not adhere to any diets"


She played fatal beauties, and serious girls in military uniform. And in the new series "Family Values" Anna appeared in the image of the ballerina. Apparently, there is nothing impossible for this actress. I asked Anna to answer the questions of our questionnaire.

- What were you in childhood?

"I was a cheerful, curious curly girl who laughed a lot and loved this world very much." Actually, this remained ...

- How did you earn the first money and what they spent them?

- I received the first money, learning at the institute and working on television leading. The work allowed me to live on my own, did not depend on the parents.

- Do you have to listen to jokes about women driving?

- I never heard such jokes in my address, for all 13 years old that I drive. I will say for myself: I am responsible and accurate driver.

- The best advice you followed?

- If you want to be happy - be it!

- For what delicacy are you ready to give up a diet?

- I do not adhere to any diets. Most of all I love Napoleon cake, which is preparing my mother-in-law Natalia Ivanovna.

- What kind of male quality you do not accept anything?

- False, greed, egoism.

- What clothes do you feel at irresistible?

- It may be a small black dress or jeans with a shirt: it doesn't matter what wearing me, the main thing is to feel irresistible, and this feeling can give only lovers of your beloved man's eyes!

- Do you easily deceive you?

"I feel very thinly a lie, so I immediately understand when a man is smoking and telling a lie."

- And you yourself know how to deceive?

- I do not accept the wrongness, so I still try to never deceive anyone.

- What films can you revise infinitely?

- Old Good Soviet films ...

- What is a female whim in your performance?

- It is necessary to ask her husband. (Smiles.)

- Travel that you remember forever?

- An unforgettable trip to the Islands of Saint Kitts and Navis! The raging Atlantic Ocean, facing the quiet waters of the Caribbean, is where the real edge of the earth ...

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

- The best job is the one that you fulfill with pleasure. For me - this is a movie!

- Do you know what lies in your purse?

- Everything's there! (Laughs.)

- Happiness is…

- Lack of suffering, and everything else - in the hands of each of us!

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