Natalia Gulkin: "I could not send a cat to death"


The period of self-insulation for Natalia Gulkina has become a real test. In addition to the fact that unemployment almost left her without livelihood, trouble came to the singer's house: the favorite pet fell ill with the deadly form of coronavirus. About how almost two months of quarantine passed and that she had to survive during this time, Natalia told.

- Selfolation lasts the second month, and I can not ask how you spend it? Did the time appeared for something new?

- I did not have more free time. It seems that it has become even less. Because when you leave for tour and concerts, you have some kind of self-realization and self-satisfaction, and in this situation you do not have neither one or the other. Therefore, it is necessary to be implemented at home. This is a general disassembly of cabinets, the movement of furniture, a change of curtains, the analysis of the accessories: something is cleaned, and something - on the contrary, gets off the shelves. The apartment is changing. I transplanted all the flowers and hung under the ceiling, because I have cats that gnaw them. So that they do not get, I did, as I have long wanted, but your hands did not reach. Disassembled a first-aid kit. Purified a bunch of drugs overdue. Previously, pills were lying on different cabinets and packages, so when it was necessary to find something, it was not easy. And then I put one over the other transparent pull-out cabinets and on each signed by an incomplete marker, which where drugs are: gastric or headaches, from pressure and so on. Daughter does not redeem. It is suitable, opens the closet and says: "Mom, you're just a Lifechaker! Now it's so convenient - you do not need to pull you where to get it or it. You open the cabinet - and everything in front of the nose. " Female jewelry milled, made self-adhesive hooks on the inner wall of the cabinet. I hang all sorts of beads, chains are also very convenient. Under hand everything does not break, not lost. Opened the cabinet - and it is all there. In general, I redid so much affairs!

- And if about creative experiments of this period, what will you please?

"I came up with such a story: for a half months, I removed the same picture outside the window. At first, there were no foliage, then she began to appear. Now I want to make a cartoon or a movie where I will show how the picture changes, how everything disrupts. Yes, it took up such a story: few people can come to mind - only to me, creative person. (Laughs.)

In addition, I disassembled a balcony. Since I have eight cats, I arranged them there a fanger - a separate room. Now they are watching birds from there, and I am behind them. From time to time I remove them on the video and in the photo, this, of course, is charm.

Artist has grown Beauty-daughter Yana

Artist has grown Beauty-daughter Yana

-By the way, how your animals are doing now. I heard that the present state of emergency has happened: the cat got into coronavirus ...

- Cattle Coronavirus has been around for many years - twenty or thirty. It is completely unrelated to the human virus, and even more so what has come to the planet. Feline virus never in life was not transferred to the owners. There is even information that the hosts, who at home the cats are sick of this infection, as if already have antibodies. That is, I have less likelihood to get coronavirus. As far as so, I do not know, but I would like to believe. In cats, the disease flows the same way as in humans: maybe in a slight form, can give complications on the kidneys, on the lungs, even somewhere. And five percent of this feline virus mutates in the FIP - viral peritonitis. It has always been a deadly disease for cats. The virus can be treated, and peritonitis - no, the animal always dies very quickly. He begins to fill the abdominal cavity with liquid, it is bloated, like a ball, the belly stretches on the ground, the spine begins. The cat ceases to wash himself, hair becomes dirty, sall, barns sticking out, eyes do not open, he lies all the time, refuses to go to the toilet and ultimately dies. And we suddenly noticed that our pet, the most wonderful and dear cat Mason, young - he just three years old, began to behave strangely. We are in an oakha - and went to do ultrasound. I immediately said that it was most likely a FIP. I did not even understand what it was. And when I arrived home, my daughter Yana thugged the information and reported that the cat would most likely die. She had a hysteria, she began to roar, because we had already lost one kitten 2 months ago: we simply had a diagnosis incorrectly. Apparently, this kitten also infected. The daughter said that the second loss would not survive, the more her beloved cat.

-And how did you act further?

- I was psychodula and decided that I would heal him. You see, I could not send a cat to death, and even more so it concerned the psychological state of my daughter. I was already sorry for me. I climbed all night over the Internet, I figured out, really there is no salvation? And it came across one of the groups in the social network, where it was written that they found an experimental medicine from the FIP and that they were ready to help me. And just half a year ago, the cats really did not survive, and now the Americans invented the Americans, but they did not work them, so the Chinese twisted him. And I directly, without intermediaries sent an invalid amount to Hong Kong, and then got a medicine in Moscow.

- Have you had at least some guarantees that it will help?

- They gave warranties, only if we are watching the cat watching them, send them all the posts, the screenshots of the blood, which we take once every 4 weeks, ultrasound doing. My daughter is rewritten with them in English. And the course of treatment of the cat lasts three months - just like, for example, people with severe diseases. Even if the condition of the cat seems to be stabilized, you must go through the course. It's like antibiotics: it became better for you, but you still have to finish this course, otherwise the next time it just does not work. On the second-third week of Ukolov, the cat became completely different - he returned to life again. These injeces began to change him, he had a different look, and he looked literally through us with muddy covered eyes. We saw that he already understands, responds to the name, plays with everyone. And the rest of the cats understood that he was sick. He lay, he did not touch him. And now they are all together. We went to the ultrasound, donated blood, and we were told that he was absolutely healthy. But month we must have given medicines yet.

The singer has 8 cats at home

The singer has 8 cats at home

- It turns out that you had to master the profession of nurse and make injections?

- Yes, we made him injections, they were wildly painful. I was roaring, making this injection, I just sobbed, understanding what kind of pain Kotu. There is a very thick transparent mixture, which I slowly pressed. In addition, it was necessary to make this injection very competently. For example, one day, when the medicine fell on the skin, it just burned the skin. During the injections, he began to scream from pain and shout! And when I put it on the ground, happened almost like in the horror movie, when they show how a person turns into a monster. He began to break everything, he looked at me, shouted from pain, and I sat and sobbed. I called the doctor, said that I could not do this way, I would soon go crazy. But I was told: "Natasha, you go to it only in order to save it. In the name of life! " And so I, overcoming myself, made him an injection at the same time. And then the option to go to capsules - stuff him in your mouth three pieces a day. He safely spoiled them, at first we did not work out, and each capsule was 8 thousand rubles on the floor. But now this process takes a few seconds. Previously, we put it in a special bag, because he scratched it, and now I just take it on my hands: three seconds - and he did not understand how they swallowed. And I feel so good and easy, it can not even be compared with what was.

- Natalia, you are a real heroine! So much is not everyone withstanding, not to mention that, probably, the money is worth a lot of money ...

- I also got into debt! Unfortunately, the whole situation coincided with the period of the beginning of a pandemic when there was no work. Would work, I would quietly gain this amount, and it turned out that we did not prepare a seat of the airbag, yet unexpectedly happened. I just paid the state units for a car and an apartment. I have a good car, and I have to give much for her, and I have not paid for a long time. In general, only I did it, as a cat ached in two days. I then thought: why did you pay? It would be better for me that this money was lying at home, and I would live on them. Well, what happened, it happened. Therefore, my daughter in myself in "Instagram" wrote about our misfortune with a cat, and I wrought out. And people even threw money from America to the account. Some guy made us transfers twice $ 200. In general, we went to meet that in the first two weeks we collected 80 thousand rubles. And it costs this treatment of 300 thousand per month. And the course for three months is a million, because the cat should be treated for surveys, pay a doctor for the challenge. But now, due to the fact that capsules are cheaper, we are now thousands of 250 savings. They are much cheaper than shocks. And we have now passed the stage when the cat died, through pain, tears and fear. Such is the story. When I look at him, I say: "Well, you have the most expensive cat in the world! Try only to get sick! Gathered to the river? Here you will thin - you can not come home! " (Laughs.)

Kota Mason Natalia saved a miracle - thanks to an experimental vaccine

Kota Mason Natalia saved a miracle - thanks to an experimental vaccine

- You yourself are not afraid to get sick by human coronavirus?

- I, like everyone else, was some kind of experiences, I read terrible articles that were sent to each other. But I realized that I knew my brain into some incomprehensible framework, and decided, they say, well! He unsubscribed from all these groups, almost ceased to turn on the TV, see, basically entertainment programs. I glue pictures from rhinestones. Now I got a wall clock in the form of the sun, which I bought a long time ago, they lay on me in the box. I start laying them on top of holographic rhinestones from Natalia Gulkina, exclusive work. And if I need money, I just post them for sale to save my cat.

- And how do you in principle earn now, because there are no concerts?

- A lot is offered online concerts, but they are not much paid for them, so I don't really go for it. But there is a proposal to record greeting cards. For example, the wife decided to make a gift to her husband, turns on Skype, and there Natalia Gulkin, his beloved singer, congratulates his birthday. I can not yet say that there is a lot of suggestions, but for me there is always an option of vocal online lessons and creative evenings. I often at my concerts earlier asked me to write questions in the notes, answered, humoril, people like it insanely, this is a living chat. And when I understand that there is a need for this, I will immediately do it. But yet I do not consider it necessary, especially since negotiations are already going on the future work in September.

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