Mom, I will not say anything to you: 5 signs that Cad has secrets from you


When a child begins to move away from you, it becomes noticeable by his behavior. The reason for the cessation of friendship between generations can be a quarrel, misunderstanding from parents, prohibitions and insults to the child. Even in that situation when you do not see the reasons for the offense of Chad, the real reason is actually there. Reveals the cards: We will tell you what signs you need to pay attention.

Closed door of the room

In adolescence, children are in dire need of personal space. However, the "bandwidth" in the children's is a clear measure of monitoring the number of interaction with parents. It is one thing to close the door for the night, so as not to hear noise, and completely different - swear with my parents when they come without a knock or, leaving, forget to slam the door. Plates on the door with requests not to enter or establish other special rules regarding personal space - also a sign that the child is dissatisfied with you.

teenager is important to be one

teenager is important to be one


Lack of home

When, with any opportunity, the child tries to leave the house, whether it is a walk with friends or the execution of a school project, this means that he is uncomfortable with you. The reason may be quarrels in the family, disrespectful communication with each other, your desire to teach him how to live and so on. Solve the problem of establishing a strict compendence hour will not work - the child can simply escape from the house. Talk to the child that it bothers him, or suggest to share emotions with a psychologist on an individual session.

Talk to abstract topics

Each person needs to speak: some dump stress through uncontrolled aggression, others, more conscious, speak soul with close people. If a child speaks to important themes for a teenager not with you, then you stopped to be a close person for him. Typically, children like to discuss issues of relationships - to absorb the experience of parents and peers, consult on issues, share their emotions. This is what shows the proximity of the child to you, and not what you know, what marks he gets or what is his plans for his day.

Entry with friends

Teenagers love to gather big companies in apartments - usually they do it when parents are not at home, but many do not mind lead a couple of friends and on weekdays. If your child does not do this, it means it is either shyring the type of your apartment, or is afraid of you. For children, it is important that parents make a good impression on friends, which automatically increases their authority in the eyes of peers. Try to figure out what might not be so with you: outdated rules of life, a strange style of clothing, uncontrolled behavior and so on. The reason is always, the main thing is to find it.

Teens will not mow opportunities to meet friends

Teens will not mow opportunities to meet friends


Frank statement

Some children are not shyring to express their emotions openly. They can say that they are not ready to discuss with you the proposed topic for the conversation, or ignore the question at all - to depict that they look at one point and something interest. You should not be offended and arrange scandals about this, forcing the child to pay attention to you. The authority consists of years, and not for a couple of quarrels, of which nothing but mutual irritation you will not bring. Let the child the freedom of choice and actions so that he can determine when he wants to come to your advice.

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