First aid for sunburn


To reduce body temperature and facilitate the suffering of the burnt, you can moisten with a cool water towel and gently apply to the places of burns.

With sunburn, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, clean water. Also showing weak green tea, diluted juice.

Many make vegetable masks at the places of burns: rub raw potatoes or cucumbers. Such masks moisturize and cooled.

Also excellent anti-inflammatory agent is cabbage. Large cabbage sheets need to be carefully disconnected to give them juice, and attach to the burnt skin.

Olga Miromanova

Olga Miromanova

Olga Miromankova, Dermato-Cosmetologist, Endocrinologist:

- Solar burn can be obtained in just 10-15 minutes. The first-degree burn is flushed, touching painful. Burning a second degree - there appeared blisters filled with liquid (do not pierce!). If the burn on the area more palms and / or there is blisters, an increase in temperature, chills - consult a doctor!

First aid for sunburns: immediately go to the room or shadow.

If burns are small and insignificant, take the cool (not too cold) shower or bath.

In no circumstances can not be used urine, oil, fat, alcohol, cologne and means that are not intended for the treatment of burns.

You can not use alkaline means for washing (soap).

You can not drink alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

Face and neck burns can cause swelling and breathing difficulty. Urgently consult a doctor if such burns received a child.

Moisturize and lubricate the skin tools for the treatment of burns with Panthenol (buy them in advance and always take with you to the beach).

For the treatment of burns, the patient's own blood plasma (plasmolifting) is also used, the procedures help to remove pain syndrome, avoid the development of inflammation and formation of scars, scars and pigmentation.

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