5 reasons why you should quit smoking


The image of a girl in a tobacco smoke has long ceased to worry the heart of men. Now in fashion a healthy lifestyle. Of course, this is how to immediately take and quit difficult. But gives you 5 reasons why you will certainly want to do it.


Suppose you are young and healthy, therefore stories that smoking leads to cancer, narrowing vessels, worsens the work of the brain and heart, you seem not about you. But the hurry, because according to statistics, smokers die much earlier than their peers, starting from 35 years. Because of the harmful habit, their body wear out and becomes faster.


Tobacco smoke is easily absorbed into the hair and clothes. The smoking girl acquires a light fragrance ashtray, and her breathing is not fresh. And if you can protect the mouthpiece from the yellowness and nails with the help of a mouthpiece, then from the brown plaque on the teeth - not anywhere.


Your health is definitely your problem, like beauty. But why should people suffer next to you? Passive smoking delivers in organisms around just 1.5 times less than harmful connections than the smoker itself receives. Just think: the risk of lung cancer in close dependent increases by 34%, and obtain cardiovascular diseases - by 50%.


"Smoke cigarettes with menthol" and other cheap bar fler already in the past. Now fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Ride on the rollers or bike, run in the morning - that you will attract much more fans than a cigarette. Smoking, you look no modern.


Well, yes, quit smoking is at least out of savings. Count, how much do you spend a month on cigarettes? And a year? And this is to slowly kill themselves. And now remember your dreams, what you lack money - "toad" should strangle already when buying the next pack.

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