We study the most exotic types of massage


In the East to the art of massage, relatively with great scrupulousness. He is part of the traditional medicine of many countries, as well as culture and even the regime of the day. For example, in Tibet, children from childhood are trained the basics of acupuncture so that, if necessary, they could take pain or to cope with anxiety.

However, approaches to this excellent action in the East are very different from usually. If the Western Massage is based on the anatomical structure of a person: muscles, bones, joints, then the Eastern takes into account the stream of energy and biologically active points. In Europe, it is done in those parts of the body, where there are pathologies (for example, with back pains), and the gurus of Eastern medicine consider the body as a whole. As a result, the whole body is healed and harmonized.

Each culture has created its own type of massage, because the ritual strongly depends on the location of the region, gender, traditions and philosophy. So, Chinese is based on meridians and vital points, Thai - on the energy channels and their blocks, Indian - on the balance of three doshes ... get confused elementary. It is good that all Eastern techniques have a lot in common, since the cultures of these countries have developed parallel to each other for many millennia. But there is definitely differences. Our review will help you choose what is suitable perfectly.

Indian Ayurvedic Massage

Indian Ayurvedic massage is performed synchronously in four hands

Indian Ayurvedic massage is performed synchronously in four hands

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

According to Ayurved, health is a fragile equilibrium of three forms of biological energy - dosch watts, Pitts and Caps. When this system is broken, a person can easily get sick. Ayurvedic beauty ritual helps support them in harmony. Balance of elements is important. The wind matches the wind that is responsible for everything that moves in our body: for example, blinking or blood circulation. Pitt is a fire, it regulates digestion, vision and state of our skin. Kapha - water, its disadvantage is manifested in increasing weight and drowsiness.

Indian massage uses various oils, powders, therapeutic rice and never performed without these funds. Ayurveda believes that it is possible to completely avoid unpleasant sensations. Oils, naturally, selected individually. Most often sesame, coconut and castor. But any other can be applied, the master chooses them in accordance with the needs of the client.

A classic Ayurvedic massage is a ritual that is performed under a quiet, melodic music in a cozy atmosphere of muted light and exotic flavors. A direct contact of the palms with a human body is also needed, unlike some oriental massages where you do not need to remove clothing. It all begins with the ablution of legs and light rubbing of the head and shoulders, during which thoughts gradually calm down. Feeling that you relaxed, the masseur will suggest you to move to the table from Nima (this is a special wood breed, which has antiseptic and therapeutic properties), and the act of itself begins. It is performed synchronously in four hands. Gently and confidently specialists work out all parts of the body - from the feet to the ear shells. If you want to feel free to feel Eastern flavor, ask a specialist to fulfill the sacrament called Navar. For it, bags with warm rice boiled in milk with herbs are used. Masseur intensively massage the body by them until the rice cooled. This removes pain in the joints, helps with rheumatism and osteochondrite. There is a special procedure that can remove the stagnation of fluid and split fat after the New Year's feasures. This is called the joy of the body with a medicinal powder massage. And lovers of acute sensations for sure will like the massage with legs, which allows you to work in deep layers of muscle tissues. It is advised to restore after injury and removal of chronic pains, as well as it is recommended to people with large physique and professional athletes.

Tibetan massage

Massage smooth black volcanic stones - one of the oldest in Tibet

Massage smooth black volcanic stones - one of the oldest in Tibet

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Tibetan doctors combined various systems and schools, exchanging knowledge with masters from India and China, - as a result, it turned out a completely new direction. For example, Ayurvedic massage always passes on a special table, and Tibetan on the floor. Unlike Indian, during which oils with a small amount of additional components are used, mixtures made of multiple drugs are used for Tibetan. They may include up to thousands of vegetable substances, minerals, fat animals and spices. Attitude towards spices in Tibet is very serious. It is believed that these are also medicines, and the approach to them is strict. Often in the mixture add nutmeg, black and green cardamom, saffron and Sichuan pepper.

Features of the cold high-altitude climate also brought various techniques to the ancient techniques to warm the energy points. Traditionally, couples, smoke and oil bags of medicinal plants are used for this.

An important part of the procedure is the diagnosis of human health health. The doctor thus identifies deviations from the balance of life began and prescribes a patient a type of massage, oil composition, spices, or warming up.

The concept of healing is based on the fact that on the human body there is about seventy five points, which are the projections of the internal organs. For example, by pressing the point, which is located in a certain place of the spine, you can improve the work of the heart. Tibetan ritual treats chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, strengthens vision, restores sleep, slows down the aging processes. Especially gerbal bags are especially soft. During the procedure, dead skin particles are extended, the function of sweat and sebaceous glands is improved and venous stagnation is eliminated. A massage with smooth black volcanic stones (by the way, one of the oldest in Tibet) is good for relaxing tired muscles. When you get purchases, order in the SPA procedure menu it is it.

Chinese massage

We study the most exotic types of massage 41967_3

In China they say: "Stop massage is health"

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

It underlies the majority of eastern systems. The Chinese massage was used by monks to maintain spiritual and physical health, and its techniques were transmitted from generation to generation. For it, natural oils are used, for example, almond and jojoba. If people are allergic to them, the master applies hypoallergenic powder, because the hands must definitely slide. The sacrament removes tension and stimulates blood circulation, helps from headaches and pain in the lower back, insomnia and chronic fatigue.

The technique includes stroking, rubbing, discharge, kneading, as well as a point massage method. In general, do not bother. Of course, as in the Tibetan version, here in the course of the akupressura, but its meaning is a bit different. The Chinese believe that biologically active points can be several species: "Points of harmony" (normalize the course of energy flow), "exciting" (the organs and systems are activated), "soothing points" (remove the voltage). In addition, each organ has a "signal point", which is used for rapid pain relief. And you should not forget about popular in China rubbing the stop. They even say in the country: "Stop massage is health." Doctors are confident that it is necessary to perform it in the morning and in the evening. The fact is that the sole is concentrated to seventy thousand nerve endings! So a specialist can influence any body when presses the point in the foot.

Thai massage

Thai massage call yoga for lazy

Thai massage call yoga for lazy

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

By legend, this massage invented Shiuga Complex, personal doctor Buddha. He was guided by Ayurvedic medicine, but his version is so original that it is quite difficult to find similar features. Sometimes the Thai ritual is even called yoga for lazy, and there has been a lot of reasons. Let's start with the fact that the patient and the master during the procedure are dressed in things from light natural material. In addition, the specialist does not use any oils and creams. It is believed that only in this case can be achieved maximum effect. The session lasts at least two hours, which is quite comparable to the yoga lesson: during this time the massage therapist has time to "understand" the body of the client and it is thorough to work it. Just do not silent! If it hurts it or unpleasant, it costs to immediately declare it. The procedure itself occurs on the mate as follows: you take certain poses and relax in them, while the master twists and kneads your body, gently stretches the joints and the spine.

What is the connection of Thai massage with Ayurveda? The fact is that it is based on the teaching on the streams of vital energy that permeate the human body. For him, ten lines called Saint Sip, which pass from the area around the navel. This area on the stomach is paid special attention. Thai massage is especially good when you need to recover after injury or tensile ligaments. But it will also help with fatigue and overwork, to improve the operation of the digestive system. And in general, this is an excellent way to relax and lead the body into the tone before the festive bustle.

So, if your eyes fled and I want everything immediately, we advise you to stop at one oriental massage (naturally, on the one that you liked the most). The course of these paradise procedures will be magically thoughts in equilibrium - so do not waste time in vain.

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