Choose the best okroshka


For a long time, the okroshka was considered not a cold soup, but snack. The name of the dish comes from the method of its preparation: all the ingredients are finely cut or crumble. The horror story is calculated by centuries. According to one of the versions, Burlaki decided to diversify their menu and mixed the most affordable products - dried fish and kvass. Other cooks believe that the okroshka went from the Turius crushed into salted water or milk of sugar. Or from an even more ancient cold soup, in which radish and onions mixed. The okroshka used to eat mostly in rich families, where the meat was found all year round. In addition to kvass, soup was made on sour milk, cucumber or cabbage brine and had a horseradish. Now, in addition to kvass, kefir or tang often use, and instead of meat - fish.

Okroshka at kefir.

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 4 eggs, 2 cucumber, beam of radishes, 200 g of boiled chicken, 1 bundle of green onion, 1 l kefir, 1 glass of mineral water, parsley, dill, salt.

Cooking method: Eggs and potatoes boil. All ingredients cut into small cubes, except radishes. Ranish rubbing on the grater. Onions to distort and grind with salt. Parsley and dill grind. All mix and pour cold kefir and mineral water. You can add some mustard or shit for taste.

Okroshka on Tanya

Ingredients: 3 potatoes, 5 eggs, 2 cucumbers, bow beam, bunch of dill, salt, 300 g boiled sausage, 1 liter of tan.

Cooking method: Potatoes and eggs boil. Onions are finely chopping and confused with salt. The remaining ingredients cut into small cubes. All mix in a deep bowl and pour cold tan.

Fish Okrochka

Ingredients: 300 g cod, 2 potatoes, 1 cucumber, 3 eggs, small bundles of radishes, onions and dill, 1.C. l. Mustard, sour cream - to taste, 1 liter of kvass.

Cooking method: Crack or bake in foil, eggs and potatoes. Cucumber, potatoes and radishes finely cut. Fish to disassemble the pieces of a little more than vegetable. Make refueling: For this yolk, mix with mustard, add a salt (you can a few grazing sugar). Squirrels finely chop. Green is pretty rinse, dry and also crushed. All ingredients mix. Before serving to the table, pour by kvass, fill sour cream.

Crooked meat with radish

Ingredients: 150 g of boiled chicken, 200 g of boiled beef, 100 g of ham, beam of radishes, 1 green radish, 2 cucumber, 3 eggs, bunch of onion, ѕ bunch of dill, 1 l kvass, 1 tsp. Mustard, sour cream.

Cooking method: Chicken, beef and ham cut into cubes, rattish and radish rubbing on the grater. Cucumbers and squirrels of eggs finely cut. Onions crushed and rub with salt. Yolks to rub in mustard. Onions and crawled yolks to mix and pour kvass, mix well. The remaining ingredients are connected, mix, pour by kvass. Before serving, fill sour cream.

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, k. M. N., Gastroenterologist, nutritionist:

- Okroshka - a useful dish. There are many vitamins in it, it refreshes well in the heat. But since there are many ingredients in the window, it is still heavy to digest. An abdominal bloation may occur, for example. If you refuse sausages, smoked meats in favor of boiled low-fat meat, take not sweet kvass (preferably without preservatives) or low-fat kefir, dairy serum and generously add radishes, cucumbers and greens - it turns out a very tasty dietary dish. It is better to remove potatoes from the recipe for dietary.

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