Alexander Lykov: "A good partner will even learn something in an extreme situation"


One of the most long-awaited premieres of the television season is the story of how in the city, just survived the blockade and not yet recovered from hunger, destruction and deaths, the police lead an unequal struggle with crime. Womanhit met with the performer of one of the main roles Alexander Lykov.

- Alexander, this year we have a special day of victory. Can you remember your feelings from this holiday in childhood?

- The greatest holiday! In school, we always prepared something, read something. So far before your eyes. As in the song Vysotsky: "So, in childhood, faithful books read" - these books were about the feat and about our victory in the war with the fascists.

- Your grandmother and mom told you that they had to go through during the blockade?

- All horrors did not tell them, I probably didn't want to remember this. Grandma exported my mother in Ladog after two children died - Valentin and Valentine, my uncle and aunt. Swang in open water, bombers flew out and two boats bombed. And Babushkin survived. In general, they hid.

- They say that those who survived the blockade constantly wore crackers in their pockets?

- I do not remember about my pockets, but there was always a hill on the stove of superstars. None of the crust of bread in our house did not throw away, and I have the same habit.

1946. Post-war Leningrad. The city, who survived the blockade, has not yet recovered from hunger, destruction and deaths. And in these difficult times, the militia leads its unequal war with criminals, which appeared in the northern capital a lot. Photo: materials

1946. Post-war Leningrad. The city, who survived the blockade, has not yet recovered from hunger, destruction and deaths. And in these difficult times, the militia leads its unequal war with criminals, which appeared in the northern capital a lot. Photo: materials

- Mom and grandmother did not teach you to make stocks for a black day?

- I have four bags with oat flakes. So somehow calmer. Well, in general, reserves still did not hurt anyone. Just need without fanaticism. For all my life, you do not want to eat. So, at first, and there already as the Lord will manage.

- When did you start working on "Leningrad 46", their relatives, their stories often remembered?

- All stories about this time required. And the dictionaries of that time had to be hijacked, and the films of that time see, but mostly pre-war.

- And in order to wear heroes, did the country's chests opened or did not throw the cry from the neighbors?

- As for costumes, it is always the responsible job of a good artist, and in our case it was a good artist. It is always a very important point. My shirt was real, stitched at the time.

- Probably the most difficult during the filming of historical films is to find places without advertising and graffiti. How true Leningradians suggested interesting yards and alleys?

- Now in the cinema is possible to reconstruct, something can be expelled, to add something. In general, there are still enough places in the city, in which you can remove any era, from palaces to devour, and vice versa.

- Did you have to get acquainted with criminal cases of the late 40s or read memories about the time?

- I read the memories of Eduard Kochergin on the radio. About his return from the orphanage across Russia to his mother. He himself was a member of these events by the boy. There he has a lot of things that useful.

Alexander Lykov:

"We had to work quickly, a lot of questions arose, but it is important here with whom you work with. In this case, it was Sergey Garmash. " .

- "Leningrad 46" filmed more than a year, probably, the entire film crew became a real family?

- I did not work all year on the project, but in the process, people often very closely, especially when the conditions are extreme, and the result wants quality. We had to work very quickly, the questions in the course of the shooting arose, but here it is important to whom you work with. In this case, it was Sergey Garmash, and a good partner even in an extreme situation would learn anything.

- There are such jokes that Piters will never understand Muscovites, and vice versa. Do you agree with this? And how did you work in such a famous acting team?

- Of course, the cities are different, but the other is important: the quality of the acting school. If in that case, it corresponds to the presented producer requirements, mutual understanding is a matter of technology. The more professional actor, the easier it is to find a common language with him.

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