How to spend Father's Day in Moscow


With kids

On Sunday, June 18, the Festival "Papin Day" will be held in Izmailovsky Park. Guests can watch colorful strollers parade, participate in competitions, come up with your own family flag, and also to participate in all sorts of master classes.

As you know, the Russian Geographical Society for the whole summer suits special days in metropolitan parks, during which all those who come can participate in quizzes and geochests, listen to lectures, watch photo exhibitions and films. In Izmailovsky Park, the Day of the Russian Geographical Society will be held on June 17.

By August 24, an exhibition "Animals on the map of Russia" will work in the Darwinian Museum. "The original guide to the" animal sights "of our country" - as they say about the project themselves, the organizers themselves. The exhibition is devoted to the geographical names of Russia, in which animal stories are hidden.

The whole family

Until August 20, it is necessary to have time to go to the Pushkin Museum. There will work the exhibition "Venice of Renaissance. Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese. Pictures from the meetings of Italy and Russia. " 23 works of the greatest painters were first collected in Russia, and some works never left the limits of Italy. Including the legendary Salome Titian, which is stored in the private gallery of Doria Pamphili in Rome. In the Darwinian Museum on June 17, they plan to celebrate the Day of Father. But for a holiday, you can come with the whole family to cheat for children and dads on Quest "Dad starts", learn as much as possible about dinosaurs on the Dinomnia program.

In the Pushkin Theater, within the framework of the Chekhov Festival, 14, 15 and 16 will be shown "Amazon's voices". This musical represent the creators of the musical performance "Inal" nominated for the Grammy Prize. "Amazon's voices" are based on ancient Brazilian legends telling about the mermaid that left Amazon's waters to find a medicine for his sister on the shore.

Cheerful company

Until the middle of July, an exhibition "Ceiling" will work in the gallery in Solyanka. For the third year in a row, animators from all over the world represent their views on the surrounding reality. This time the work of Dutch masters, made in various techniques, will be presented - from 3D modeling to the calean animation.

On Saturday, June 17, the Kolomenskoye Museum "Kolomenskoye" will be celebrated the traditional national feast of the Yakut people "Yizakh". At this time, their masters, artists and culinary will bring a delegation from the world pole of the cold, Verkhoyansky ulus. Guests "Ysyaha" will be able to try Yakut pancakes, stabble, fish, and also learn the Northern Crafts and see the fascinating ritual ceremony, the Yakut struggle, the tournament for Maspectling, listen to the game on Homus.

For lovers

To visit Spain, not delayed from Moscow, you can at the exhibition "Antonio Gaudi. Barcelona "in the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art on Petrovka. Such a project was first organized in the capital and dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the famous architect. The exhibition presents 150 items, ranging from the drawings and ending with decorative tiles and furniture. The feature of the exposition is the works of the photographer Adolf Mas, who in 1910 captured the Gaudi buildings to his first exhibition.

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