Travel Features in England


Booking a hotel and buying tickets

All related to hotel rooms and purchase plane tickets, you can check and make a purchase on the Internet. Usually, no problems arise with electronic tickets, but for the safety net, take a printed copy with you. The experienced tourists advise you to book tickets on the airline ticket, which are going to fly. If you do not want to overpay for luggage, it is best to pay for it already at the airport, and not through the Internet, then you pay for the real weight of baggage, and you do not count too much. You can not say exactly, on which ticket the ticket will cost you cheaper, here you need to compare several sales sites and choose the most suitable price tag. Often on the site of the hotel itself you can find it is pretented at finding a convenience room and get from the hotel a compliment in the form of additional services included in the price.

Travel Lights

Travel Lights


Transfer from the airport and what to take with you

If we consider it for a trip specifically London, from Heathrow Airport you can get to the city with various types of transport. The most optimal option will be the passage on the subway. However, be prepared to face some differences with the Russian subway. But do not worry, the pointers at each station will not let you get lost. If you know that you will enjoy public transport to get to the city, take with you not a backpack, but a suitcase on the wheels: so you will facilitate your life and the rest of the passengers in the metro car.

Do not take a lot of heavy things from the outerwear: they are unlikely to use you. Take jeans, T-shirts, several replaceable COFF and Linen. Put a lightweight jacket that can be removed if it becomes hot, and wear back, walking through the city bridges. From the shoes, take the most convenient boots or sneakers. Forget about the heel, unless you go to a special event. Do not take shampoos and other bath accessories with you: in hotels there is all good, and good quality. Cosmetics also better leave at home, grabbing only the most necessary for you, for example, mascara and lipstick.

You can purchase a special unlimited card at the metro ticket office. For it they will ask for a deposit of five pounds. Interestingly, the card is valid only after half the tenth in the morning, when the local population is already at work.

If you suddenly decide to travel to the suburb, buy tickets in both directions at once: for some reason, the cost of a ticket in one side and tickets there and back the same. Do not be afraid to make a mistake by train, you will not take a fine, but will explain what train you need to recover, and the train schedule will give.

Public transport will not give you problems

Public transport will not give you problems



Be careful with the choice of hotel star. Do not save and choose four stars, otherwise you risk getting into the room without windows. It happens. If four stars are too expensive, look at the network hotels, because they are watching the quality, and they are quite comfortable.

Hygienic procedures

Here, there may be problems. In public toilets, there is no hand rinser, so take care of it in advance, bought a thick bundle of wet napkins.


If you live in the hotel, there, as a rule, there is a breakfast, so the question is only in where and what to eat during the day. The main thing is to breakfast tightly, so as not to run around the city in search of a cafe after a couple of hours after the exit. If you dine in the city, in no case do not take soups and so favorite by the British "Chips": it's just fried ice cream potatoes. In the evening it is best to go to the store and take something to have a snack in a hotel.

Tightly breakfast before leaving the hotel

Tightly breakfast before leaving the hotel


Local population

British, for the most part, cute people. At the railway platform, do not be surprised if you begin to merge the duty officer at the station. If you find yourself in the city and get lost, do not be afraid to ask the road from passerby: you will definitely prompt the path, and maybe even spend.

Johnny Depp with Dave and Roxana

Johnny Depp with Dave and Roxana


Returning to traveling through the country by train, you may be surprised by the fact that in one car you can go a world-scale star, as it happened with the usual electrician David King and his wife Roxana. A young couple returned from a romantic travel by train towards Paris - London. Young people sat down in the car and were simply dumbfounded when Johnny Depp came after them. The actor was, as always, friendly and kindly, when he learned about the anniversary of the couple, without hesitation ordered them a bottle of the most expensive champagne and joined the celebration.

The actor bought a pair of a bottle of champagne and signed it for memory

The actor bought a pair of a bottle of champagne and signed it for memory


Congratulations on the anniversary of Johnny Depp

Congratulations on the anniversary of Johnny Depp


England is a country of contrasts. It bizarrectically combines traditions that have survived from early times, and the latest trends in culture and public life. Believe me, you will want to return here.

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