Live stories: "I am responsible for myself"


The inspirational story was sent by Larisa, which for several months lives a new life.

"If you ask my acquaintances, what definition comes to me most, absolutely everyone will say - independent. And it is true. I have always achieved success, starting from school age: by my nature I am a leader, and therefore I always strove to more, while my classmates walked, I spent the evening for the homework, which brought me a gold medal, but completely crosured a teenage period from of my life. At the Institute and at work, the story continued, I received an excellent post a week after graduation. You ask me - what is the problem? I will answer you - trying to live only in my rules, not looking around, I realized that I missed myself.

girlfriend literally dragged me to classes

girlfriend literally dragged me to classes


It happened at the moment when I lost job. I was not easy for this period, but it was time to stop and think about my life. For the first time in several decades. Somehow, I told me with a friend who told me about his new man, and I suddenly visited the thought - and when did I go on a date for the last time? I was so tightened by a cycle of work and a constant race as a success that I completely abandon myself and my personal life. With my last man, we dreamed, as he began to reproach me in imperfection, I criticized then I took very painful and instead of listening to the partner, just put it out of the door. Now I began to understand what he said: long hours in the office and the lack of physical activity led to the fact that my muscles are completely devoid of tone, and the skin does not differ in elasticity. I'm not ready to continue to listen to reproaches from men, and therefore, I went to raise self-esteem in the next fitness center. It was very difficult for me to "step over" through myself and seek help to a more successful friend's appearance, which literally dragged me to the classroom. And now for a month and a half I am a series load - from the pool to yoga. And you know, the changes are madly pleasing to me.

I have been working in a new place for a couple of weeks, but now I'm not ready to devote all my life to work, because I still have I myself, which I should take care of.

If you want to share your transfiguration history, send it to our mail: [email protected]. We will publish the most interesting stories on our website and award a pleasant motivating gift.

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