Alla Pugacheva: "I saw Maxim in the meaning"


"Our meeting was predetermined in heaven," Alla Pugacheva shares. - I saw Max in a kind of dream. At the age of 13 I dreamed that I was dancing with a boy in one very strange audience. It was a hall where a glass wall was from some stained glass windows, and on the left - many colors. I realized that I am in some kind of future. And when a boy approached me in a dream and said: "Dance?" "My heart went to the heels," the actress remembers.

When Alla Borisovna saw Maxim Galkina for the first time, between them, he said, ran spark. And the next day Maxim invited the singer to the dance.

- And I went to dance, as under hypnosis, although I was not at all going to do this. Moreover, other people who approached me with such a proposal, I refused. I can not explain what happened. During the dance I had an inexplicable attraction to this person. And when later I crossed the threshold of the castle, which built Maxim, then it was: one of the walls was completely glass, as in my soot dream.

Philip Kirkorov often sees colored dreams, but never applies to this topic. And once, when he produced the speech by Dmitry Koldun on Eurovision, the singer had so memorable sleep that he could not remember him. The artist told about his terrible dream after he learned the voting results.

- Behind the window on a terrible wind dangled on a hoppy of the flag of Belarus, "the singer told. "I went to the window, and the flag suddenly broke down with a thread. I instantly bent over the railing and, struggling with the wind, hooked this flag to the tips of my fingers.

Philip Kirkorov and Ani Lorak.

Philip Kirkorov and Ani Lorak.

Lilia Charlovskaya

The musical competition firmly settled in the thinks of our artists. So, the nearest friend Philip Ani Lorak was also a dream in hand in front of the qualifying round of Eurovision in 2005. Then the singer decided to participate. And on the day before she had a dream.

"In a dream, I walked on some street, and suddenly come to me and say:" Sorry, you must go with us. " And I descend with them into some kind of underground room. I see a lot of tunnels. And suddenly I understand that this is a prison. And I say to them that I do not want to go to prison, for which I did not do anything ... They tell me something wrong and what I should be in prison. They do not listen to my requests to explain, for which, and close the door. I turn out to be like a bird in a metal cage. I can not understand anything - and suddenly, turning around, I see a man who tells me: "You don't worry, soon you will come out from here. This is mistake". My condition was terrible. I wake up after his words in the sweat and see myself in bed. And here is a qualifying round. Three days before him, unexpectedly, a group is introduced for everyone, and - oh, miracle! - She wins, and I occupy the second position. It was, of course, a political decision. And that's the dream that I was undeservedly settled in this prison, from which then released. It seems to me that someone wanted me to warn me.

Anastasia Makeeva is usually shot uncomplicated dreams or nothing at all dreams. Then it is a sign of good, strong sleep when the brain rests. But about one and a half years ago, when she and her husband worked on creating a common performance "Territory of Passion", she began to dream of strange dreams. After she realized that this was the fact that he was completely immersed in this project.

- I dreamed, as if I did not have enough some details and ideas for the script. And I created a time car on which I could move at a time when De Laklo created this masterpiece of classics. Very serious. And, communicating with him, I drew ideas. But, after a while, when we released the premiere, these dreams stopped and again became calm. Now we are laugh at your colleagues.

Anastasia Makeev.

Anastasia Makeev.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Actress Natalia Gudkov also rarely sees dreams, but if they come, it looks more like a magical movie or a fairy tale.

- The plot is always different - sometimes I travel with friends by exotic countries, sometimes family with children playing the lawn near the big country house. When shooting or involved in theatrical productions, it happens that they play the characters who play.

Dreams from artists are so memorable that they do not know how best to express their emotions, so they often develop their references to the songs. For example, Dima Bilan has a composition called "catching my color dreams", Irina Allegrova - "Enter my dreams."

Commentary of the hypnologist Gennady Goncharov:

- Sleep is a contact with our collective unconscious. He is a kind of processing process of information by our brain. Dreams depend on the mental state. The perfect mental state is when you sleep without dreams at all, and to come to this, you need to practice meditative practices. The process of "improving sleep quality" is divided into several stages: the alarming dreams change to positive, positive - on erotic, and they, in turn, are to sleep without dreams. Many in this process are afraid of the second stage, but completely in vain: it means that everything goes according to plan.

There are several moments that everyone should know about dreams:

- If the dream is repeated several times or has a continuation and development, the likelihood that it will come true, almost one hundred percent.

- If you have dreamed a bad dream, you must need to share with close or with a psychologist. Thus, you discharge from it, and goes the clamp in the nervous system.

- It is best to sleep on the bed of a cedar or have some thing made from this material.

Before bedtime, it is necessary to organize a good room, try to cleanse your head from thoughts, relax the body and focus on inhales and exhalations. Thanks to this, you immerse yourself in a meditative condition and gradually go from the wake to sleep.

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