Vladimir Pozner: "With age, a normal person becomes less categorical"


Vladimir Pozner has appeared loudly on our television in 1985 with television vessels boring the USSR and the United States, and fascinated by his corporate smile and square. But today, thirty years later, he is still charmingly smiling and squinting squints. And interest in his person and to all that he does, does not fall. Perhaps because he, by his own admission, did not lose curiosity at all: not to life, nor to the profession. In this, he believes, guilty of genes. As a true Frenchman, Posner loves and knows how to live.

1. About profession

I have a very busy rhythm of life. Of course, I'm trying to somehow distribute things, but there are periods when one lay on another. And, frankly, I love such a rhythm. I got used to him. Although, of course, it happens, I feel - a bust, I understand that I'm tired, very hard. But there is nothing to complain because I do what I wanted and want.

I have an interviewer talent. There enters and the ability to hear and listen, and the ability to speak with a person and to arrange it, and the ability to ask a question so as not to insult him, even if the question is unpleasant. And still make the interlocutor answered him.

Interview - one of the most difficult genres in journalism because it is communication with another person who requires additional stress, additional work.

If the hero is not interested in me, then I will not succeed. But every person may be interesting. You just need to be able to find it.

2. Age and experience

At some point I came to the conclusion that need to call things about their names . No need to flirt. Therefore, when I am asked about something, I say: "Yes, I think so. This is my opinion". "It is immodestly," can say. Well, it means that it will have to go through it. In fact, I am a humble person, but I know the price. And in his profession, in what I do, I do not see anyone more stronger. I think so and say it straight.

With age, a normal person becomes less categorical. He must learn to analyze himself and be tolerant, understand how little he really knows. But the character does not change much, just a person becomes more experienced, more wise.

Education is a large parting process with illusions. In the illusions there is nothing good, but if you managed to live all my life with them, then it is not so bad. But I would not want it, although, probably, it's easier to live.

Everything is interesting for me today. And it's happiness! I think this is nature. When I am asked: "How can you at your age three times a week, one and a half hours to play tennis?", I answer: "This nature has done so and my mother, which grows me in a certain way that I was healthy." My merit is just that I try to follow myself. And perhaps, everything is so, because I was allowed on the screen only fifty two years. Giant hunger has accumulated. And even now this thirst is not quenched.

3. About me

I am ambitious, but not vain Because it is necessarily associated with self-love. And I'm absolutely not a narcissistic person. On the contrary, very critical to themselves.

I have intuition. Often it is the main thing in my decisions, actions in the perception of people. I really believe the first impression. I tried not to pay attention several times to it, and then I was convinced that in vain. Still, we are at our base - animals, something very oldly lives in us, and the cerebellum, as a rule, works very precisely.

From everything in life you have to enjoy. The French can do it. And otherwise, in general, what is the point of living? But some of my American friends have no taste for food at all. For me, it is like reading a regular book and books on the Internet. I enjoy the fact that I hold the book in my hands, from the tactile sensation, from the smell of paper. And cooking is one of the wonderful achievements of mankind, invented not in order not to die from hunger, but in order to enjoy.


I arrived in Russia at nineteen years. And I really wanted to be Russian, and most importantly, such as everything so that no one could say: "He is not ours." And not bad, but just another. But one day I was forced to admit himself: "No, still you are not quite Russian, you can not do anything about it." This is the result of what I grew up in another country, and what he inherited from his ancestors.

Between the French and Russians are very little common. The French are more closed and more restrained and less susceptible to mood drops, which is characteristic of a Russian person. I think most of the Russians look like Irish. And those and others - artistic art. The accuses of absolute delight, and then the fall in complete depression is very characteristic of both Russians and Irish, as well as an undoubted tendency to alcohol.

I am an emotional person, and on the other hand, is quite discreet. French mothers are very little ticty and kiss their children. I can remember literally single moments when my mom suddenly hugged me. This tactile love is very rare in France.

The French are less open, but at the same time they are sincerely the same Italians. And if they love or take you, stick into the house, in the soul, then you can not doubt that it sincerely ...

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