Networking: 5 success rules in establishing business contacts


The most simple way to get acquainted with people is to find a approach to them through acquaintances. The principle of non-programming is based on the fact that people find points of contact and provide a mutually useful service. Agree, finding common points becomes more easier with those who already familiarize your friends and colleagues. However, this is not the only working way - about the rest we will tell in this material.

Use social networks

In social networks about a person you can tell a lot. If you are aware of who comes to the next meeting, where you are invited, it will not be superfluous to prepare for it. Browse through the page of the person in Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn - these social networks are closely related to the business, but leave a part of the space for personal information. You will understand where to better start the conversation, and you can prepare for the themes of interest to the future acquaintance, reading the analytical materials.

information is no extra

information is no extra


Do not ask for a job

Not in vain the hero of the book Bulgakov advised nothing to ask for those who are stronger than you, but offered to wait for a convenient case when they wanted something to share with you. We do not recommend sitting down, we do not recommend, instead, show the initiative, but know the measure in it. If your skills and experience will be an interesting promising partner, he will offer you cooperation. It is better not about work, but about the information that you will help to find it is both books, and valuable contacts.

Find out an opinion about resume

Communicating with professionals, you open yourself an unlimited field for drawing inspiration. Ask the acquaintances with whom you have managed to establish contact, view your resume, business card or company site for criticism. Experienced businessmen know how to decompose key problems at the initial look - these valid you are enough for 5 minutes enough to get food for reflection. Moreover, close acquaintance with your data can push them to the idea of ​​who you can come in handy as an employee or even a business partner.


Anna Sedokova founded his own brand clothes
Anna Sedokova founded his own brand clothes

Do not take too much time

For meaningful and efficient conversation, 10 minutes will be enough. Those in advance, with what questions you want to contact a person. Specify them and let him speak - listen and absorb like a sponge, and do not interrupt. If you see that a person goes to the dialogue, do not hesitate to express your position. In general, focus on the situation and look at the behavior of a person.

Listen and listen to expert advice

Listen and listen to expert advice


Imagine a success story

Once you have found the topic that may be interested in another person, and you can offer on her advice, imagine a decision, told the story of how you helped other companies in a similar situation. Tell them about your problem and how you decided it, but try to make a story short and interesting. Personal stories People remember better than figures - this means that your new acquaintances will be enshrined in memory your face and related information, so at the next meeting will not be asked, what is your name and have you seen before.

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