Bruce Willis: "Baldness - the Lord's way to show me that I am a simple mortal"


1. About Brutality

Actually, I am absolutely not brutalen. I'm not afraid of my own daughters in anger. And they all are not shy to point out to me that I, in their opinion, I do wrong.

I am self-confident because I grew up in the south of New Jersey. There are hundreds of guys with twisted on the words "South Jersey. Survive only the strongest. "

I am not afraid of blood type. Moreover, after the filming of each of the "strong nuts", I do not recognize myself in the mirror for some time if there are no scars on me.

I think I could save the world again five or six. Then, probably, you will have to convey this mission to Jason Steith.

Most often, by the role, I do something terrible, shooting someone. Therefore, especially the roads are the rare pictures where my hero manages to kiss the girl.

2. On Glory

I am always surprised - what lives multimillioners? And occasionally, I remember that I am - one of them ...

"Oscar"? I never had enough time to torment my thoughts from the series "But for this role I exactly deserved a nomination."

Once I thought that in a pair of actor's work, it is possible to make applications for the public about anything. Probably, I aged or miraculously scored wisdom, but now I am sure that you need to be able to overcome to glowing. In life, it is much more important to be able to listen.

I really try to remove condemnation from my life, especially prejudice. It's terribly difficult, but I really want to live without him.

Every day I work on not to treat myself and its popularity is serious. I was lucky that a huge number of my friends mercilessly help me in this work.

Baldness - the way of the Lord show me that I am a simple mortal.

3. About marriage and daughters

Marriage always passes through the periods of takeoffs and failures. He is a garden for which it is necessary to constantly care and in which there is no place for his own pride.

When you think about where to find the love of all your life, almost never assume that some of the people familiar to you are suitable for this role. It always seems that this love has yet to meet.

The main thing in love is friendship.

Wife heard from me the phrase "I love you!" Thousands of times, but never heard my "sorry, I'm wrong."

I am proud of my father's role much more than the career of the actor. When there is no family next to me, I'm completely unbearable.

I know by experience that the babies have a sense of humor, by the way, very good. My youngest daughter many comedians will give odds.

My older daughters turned into beautiful young women. When they were teenagers, I was still absolutely sure that they were swallowed.

4. About women

I was very lucky - on work you have to portray love with women on which I am not married. And the wife does not fall into the rage.

Women should be in power - for me, so let women become presidents in all countries. There are no men with them to compare - we are only a jump in life, arranging around yourself.

I have long understood that women are smarter than us. Near the female creatures, I always feel safe.

The most terrible type of first date is when, after ten minutes you understand that nothing happens, but you can not afford to escape.

5. About Time

For the first time in life, I thought about death, seeing the process of the birth of my eldest daughter.

We cannot change the past, but I really can not repeat his mistakes.

Never regret the past. After all, it is difficult to determine if the most thing is that you regret, as a result of happiness?

In my opinion, all people at any age feel the maximum of twenty-five years.

It is not known how and where we will live in 2040 - maybe then there will be a need for eighty-year-old actors, and I will be just like that?

Maria Hlemenko

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