How to overcome the alarm and stress


When a feeling of anxiety wakes up in us and the feeling of stress is exacerbated, we naturally want to get rid of it. But never a stable result will not achieve a "magic tablet". While we will not figure it out for the reasons, all our actions will be very superficial.

If you drop such hard events of early childhood as a loss of the Father (he died when I was 3 years old), then my first serious acquaintance with anxiety and stress was in 11 years. I decided to carry out an experimental operation, cutting off both legs above the knees and ... sewing them again. I spent the year in the hospital, among children with disabilities. And if I had a chance that I would go again, they didn't even have it in theory. Coming out of the hospital, at 12 years old I encountered a heavy divorce of my mother with a stepfather, accompanied by beatings, terrible the drama of the property section, his appearances among the nights with the goal of scaring us and get to retreat ... and this dark period lasted a whole year! Therefore, by 14 years, I have become a "family psychologist", and in 17 almost did not go through this path, enrolling at the Psychological Faculty. Life chose another path for me, and in it the last 23 years I actively work with tens of thousands of women, I spend seminars, trainings, lead online courses. Helping women to find themselves! Stress and anxiety, especially now, apply a tremendous blow to female health. First of all, on the hormonal system.

It should be understood that there are stress or anxiety as a response to the situation, and there are their manifestation as a biochemical process in a body caused by our actions - for ignorance or to ignore the known one.

If we talk about biochemistry, then, let's say, when we eat chocolate, it is stress for our liver, it sends an alarm, and the brain to calm it, highlights a large number of endorphins. And we are good! Since endorphins reduce pain, eliminate the feeling of fear and simply make us happy. Thus, a loop is formed: an external incentive is our attempt to get it / drink / smoke / - liver stress - ENDORFINA - happiness. We slide in this self-destructive loop. You can get out of it, just understood how it works, and finding her replacement.

How to overcome the alarm and stress 41815_1

"It is necessary to understand that there is stress or anxiety as a response to the situation, but there are their manifestation as a biochemical process in the body caused by our actions"

The second option of stress and anxiety is the answer to a direct external threat. And here we need tools, effective and reliable, which would help us avoid its destructive influence or negative suppression schemes.

So, it is very important to understand whether the threat is real or perceived. Based on this, it is necessary to pay the time to understand how to act. Sometimes you need an instant answer. And sometimes, when the alarm goes on the basis of a perceived threat, we slide in these negative disturbing "mental loops" for hours, days, months ... and sometimes years.

Stress is not only an increased cortisol in the blood, but also a whole bouquet of hormones, including adrenaline. This is also the negative mental loops formed by the mental repetition, which program our brain on the formation of well-established neural connections holding us in this negative.

I suggest try to cope with the alarm and stress with the following steps:

Step first th is always awareness of what is happening.

Step two - Slowness. The perfect tool here is deeply measured breathing.

I suggest put one of the palms on the bottom of the abdomen and make sure that, when inhaling, this palm is pushed forward. Because the abdominal bottom is inflated. Deep measured breathing, in addition to saturating blood oxygen, also activates our diaphragm, which massages our adrenal glands, and thanks to such a massage they reduce the production of adrenaline. 5-10 minutes of deep breathing is an excellent start of the proceeding process from under the influence of stress and anxiety. It helps also reduce the frequency on which our brain works. When we are in stress, the brain waves are short, and their frequency is high. When we begin to breathe deeply, gradually the wavelength increases, and the frequency is reduced.

Step Third - Meditation. If we connect it, you can even enter the theta state of the brain - the feeling of deep peace. Usually when we are in stress and alarm, we lose the sensitivity of the body. We are only thoughts. We do not feel anything. But the loops of thoughts sink in our head.

If we try to feel your body together with deep breath, cutting your fingers on the legs, as monkeys do, picking up something from the ground, or put together a big and index finger in the ring, paying all our attention to the pulse, tingling or other sensations in the tips Finger, we will move the focus from the mental cycle, caused and causing stress, on direct sensations, direct experience of life, which is usually not stressful.

Plus, an excellent help will be a unique vocal soundtrack, the harmonizing work of the brain from my free course "from stress and anxiety to inner harmony in 15 minutes."

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