Men Gut


Men Gut 41792_1

- Are you an opera singer? - A taxi driver asked on a terrible English, looking at her in the mirror.

- Not. Why?

- You look like an opera singer.

Maybe from the point of view of the Turk, the magnificial blondes and are similar to the opera singers, but there has not yet heard such a Lenka in their address. In general, this taxi driver was a claying room: when she got into the car, he with a wild accent greeted her in several languages:

- Good morning. Good Morning. Good morning. Salam Aleikum! - And I am fun asked where she and what language prefers.

Actually, she would prefer him to shut up. The aircraft was morning, neither the light was woken up to the breakfast, he shoved for breakfast, where, half a hand, instead of coffee with milk asked coffee with tea.

- COFFE WITH TEA? - I got up to a tupik waitress.

Lenka slept, recovered, the waitress also laughed. Coffee scattered dormo. It is so early I did not want, she picked up her favorite Bresel - a pretzel fell away from a large salt, rose. It was time to go to the airport.

Morning Munich was beautiful: fresh, green, apparent. He did not even spoil the chatter of a taxi driver telling her that she would still be sure to come here for Christmas, because it was for Christmas that the absolute sin gut here.

- I will come, I will come, - murmured Lenka. - Money only sweeping and come.

Lenka came to Munich on Shopping. No museums or save the Lord, the opera did not interest her, but the stores were here - full Alles! Lenka has adored in the morning until the evening in the fitting glass, choose, evaluate, touch, enjoy cool, quiet music, flavors - so without which expensive shops are unthinkable. Russian-speaking saleswoman here there were many, Russians in the evaluations and Gucci loved - it was Russians, as they said earlier, they did this store a plan.

Lenka lovingly stroked the gentle skin with a new handbag - pink, dear - and breathed happily.

Vitaly sent to the driver's airport, got home quickly, without traffic jams. Lenka slowly, weighing in the hands of weightless new clothes, unpacked a suitcase and fell into a bath with spider foam. Vitaly called, warned that she was delayed, the next delegation is visiting.

The Lord, as it were good, if everything was it, and it was not there, I was already familiar already thought Lenka.

Not that she does not love her husband. She just did not understand what he was doing next to her - beautiful, bright, young. In the student, he cared so touching it: I read Yesenin, stroking her along the knee. She led. Although always wanted to marry a guy, similar to Brad Pitt. But Brads are missing at all - won, even Aniston did not hold a man! Well, Vitaly was not at all Brad Pitt. Long, some nonsense, glasses and pants, which he used to pull up almost to the armpits. Such a pioneer from a children's fairy tale about the lost time, which then turned into a pensioner. Before the retirement, Vitaly was, of course, was still far away, but he had a lot of bald, became terrible conservative and a comic impression was already in his pants under his breast. Once a promising student, he, fortunately, justified Lenkina hopes in terms of material, working as one of the managers in a serious company, everything was in order with money, and Lenka put up with the presence of a boring husband nearby, finding pleasure in shopping, massages, meetings With girlfriends who frankly envied her well-being.

They did not have children. At first it was not before: Vitaly was engaged in a quarry, she was home. Then it did not work. But Lenka did not stead: it would be wondering now, not to Munich and Paris would be ... and they would not be built by their children with Vitaly the Union of such different people who were randomly near. They have nothing to talk about. Vitaly disappears in the evenings - then preferences from friends, the events with arriving colleagues, leads them without ending in the theaters, then at the concerts ... At first, he called her, but she was not interested in preference, she did not know how to play in the preference, everything seemed to There some kind of artificial. So settled: he in itself, she is in itself. The main thing is common.

About a month after Munich on Sunday, Vitaly remained at home. I was lingering in the apartment with some strange view, until she shrink:

- Papula, what did you lose something?

"Yes," he decided. "We need to talk." I, Len, leaving you.

- Again, Valera preferences? - she did not understand. - Well, go.

- No, not a preference. I'm leaving. Generally leaving. I loved another woman.

It came to her. She looked at him: long-growing, ridiculous in a home knit shirt, refilled, as it should be, in unwitting pants and tightened pup.

"Lord, she mumbled," she looked around. - Who hung on you, Apollo is mine?

- Why are you so? - Husband grilled. "You never loved me, Lena." And she loves. And I love her.

- Do you love? Yesenina she read! "How good, as fresh roses were ..." - Lenka suffered.

- Lena, not Ernchay! Roses are not Yesenin, "Vitaly corrected, who loved everything, even in clarifying relations. - Let's take part in a good way, without a scandal. Let's sit down and let's discuss everything.


- Who is she? Lenka asked. - Where did you dig it? At the preference?

- In the theatre.

Lenka looked notmonious. How can I get acquainted in the theater?

- She is an opera singer. We had an event, and she sang there, and we met her, and, in general ... Let's divorce, Len.

Wow. Opera singer. A taxi driver looked like in the water. And how is she, Lenka? What will the girlfriends say?

- And what about me? - loud asked Lenka. - What will I live for?

"I have already thought out," Vitaly revived, delighted with the fact that it seems to do without a scandal. - This is, I'm leaving, and you like the side of the victim, so I will leave the apartment. Well, and in the house we will live with Irisha. So everything will be settled.

- Apartment is good. And what will I live on?

- Well, Len, you understand, now we need money with Irisha, she is pregnant ... Well, I don't know, you will get out to work, you still have finished econifact ...

- Yeah, graduated, - Zlo said Lena. - One hundred years ago. And did not work in a specialty no day. Not worked at all, as you remember. Shirts to you stroking and borscht cooked. And you, you, e. Ry-pioneer found, joined the child with singer and legitimate wife in the beat?

Borshi, please, Lenka cook never learned, they fell to the Word, because Lenka suddenly understood: the world collapses, so nicely debugged and arranged. God with him, with Vitaly, let him roll to all the hell, to all the opera singers of the world! But she should not, can not live differently! She had their own habits that require considerable money. In the end, she gave the best years of his life to this bony grades and is not going to stay at the broken trough.

- In general, so - Lenka's voice even rang out of determination. "Now I'll tell you what the amount per month will arrange me." I agree - partly peacefully. No - I will sue long and loud. It will not seem little. I know your income.

Lenka took a handle, notepad and calculator. The number of numbers both understood well.

It seems to be in Munich for Christmas, she will still go.

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