Dyucana diet: myths and truth


"You can lose weight on any diet or ordinary starvation. The question of the price of this health slimming. The effects of most diets are manifested after a while in diseases and violations of organs and systems. In addition, the permanent "seats" on various diets is the kind of violation of food behavior, when people can significantly limit themselves during this diet. But then the moment occurs when this time ends, the need to extend nutrition. And this is where the gradual countdown begins with the arrival of new kilograms, and sometimes control is lost before the end of the diet, because it is not balanced and it is impossible to observe all his life, and the inevitable breakdown occurs.

Dyucana diet does not constitute absolutely no revolution. Prior to that, there were many such diets (Atkins, Kremlin, Montinyak). They got the name "High-facular, high-log and low-carb (Protein-Sparing Modified Fast) diet". Such diets are easily transferred, as the protein gives a sense of saturation, and that is why they are so popular. They cause in the body the processes characteristic of starvation. However, in the pursuit of weight loss at all costs need to be remembered that protein diets are generally dyukan in particular:

- Not balanced on carbohydrates, which means that you will miss the energy: maybe letness, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, trembling in the body, can be hungry fainting;

- not balanced on food vegetation fibers, and therefore can cause constipation, dysbacteriosis, increase the risk of colon cancer;

- not balanced through vitamins and trace elements, there may be problems with skin, hair, the function of internal organs, the nervous, immune system;

- May cause diseases of the cardiovascular system (risks of heart attacks, strokes)

- And finally, the most frequent consequence is an excess of protein in nutrition. It is also bad, as well as its drawback, as it can lead to a violation of protein metabolism, that is, to the gout, the formation of stones in the kidneys, arthritis with the deposition of uric acid salts and renal failure.

All patients after Dukhan diet I am aiming for a biochemical blood test and a common urine analysis. Each second of them is detected by a violation of protein metabolism: an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood and the appearance of uric acid salts in the urine (i.e. manifestations of the beginning of the gout).

Much better to keep health learn is balanced to eat (how - you will tell you any certified nutritionist) and move regularly. Only in this case can you avoid the mass of serious health problems as a result of weight loss. It is impossible to lose weight "at any cost", sometimes the price of such a slimming on a "fashion diet" is a loss of health, and sometimes life itself. "

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